Shocking Experiences and the Need for Change

4 minute read

A Day Gone Wrong

It was a normal day until things suddenly took a turn. I was in my room preparing to get some work done on my computer when I decided to plug it in to charge. However, as I was holding the plug and connecting it to the outlet, my hand got stuck on the prongs. My whole arm began vibrating intensely and a sharp pain shot through my fingertips. I couldn’t let go for what felt like an eternity. Once I was finally able to release the plug, my hand wouldn’t stop shaking for half an hour. It was certainly not how I expected my afternoon to go. Needless to say, I have no plans to repeat such a dangerous accident anytime soon.

A Glimpse into the Past

While recovering from the shock, my mind wandered to recalling photos I had seen long ago of campuses in Iran from before the 1979 revolution. One image that stood out was of Sharif University of Technology in Tehran from that era. The campus looked vibrant and modern, with women students freely walking around without hijabs. It was hard to believe it was the same conservative country we know today. Flash forward a few years, and everything had changed under the new extremist Islamic republic regime.

A Drastic Transformation

Life in Iran after the revolution was completely transformed. The university photos from recent years show a stark contrast, with all female students now fully covered from head to toe in black robes. It is saddening to think of what those carefree young women in the old photos had to endure over the past 40 years living under such oppressive rules. The drastic social regression they experienced is almost unimaginable. No group suffered worse consequences from the revolution than Iran’s women. It is no wonder they are rising up once more today to demand the freedom and rights denied to them for far too long. One can only hope this time their voices will finally be heard.

A Long Road to Change

Gaining equality and justice is seldom easy or quick. It took nearly four decades for Iranian women to build up the courage to publicly protest the status quo. Facing harsh crackdowns and punishment, their perseverance in pushing for change despite immense risks is nothing short of inspiring. Still, there remains a long road ahead to dismantle the heavily entrenched patriarchal system and mindsets. Progress will be gradual through open dialogue and nonviolent action. International support can help apply positive pressure, but ultimately the revolution must come from within. If women stand united in the struggle for their basic human dignity and freedoms, history shows that no force can stop an idea whose time has come.

An Enlightening Conversation

During this time of debate around women’s rights in Iran, I had an enlightening talk with my young niece that brought to light another issue needing reform. She innocently asked why some say women are the “weaker sex”, and I refuted that misconception. However, when we looked up the term on Google, the dictionary definition lacked any mention of it being offensive or derogatory. My niece perceptively pointed this out. I was embarrassed to realize she had a fair argument. We should not tolerate such archaic and harmful language perpetuating harmful biases, even indirectly. A single definition can influence many minds, so accuracy and transparency are crucial. This experience showed me how much work remains to be done in challenging ingrained prejudices at their root.

Taking Action for Change

After our talk, I knew we had to take action and request an update. I encouraged people on social media to provide feedback to Google by searching the term and clicking the “offensive definition” option. Within days, a flood of comments poured in from around the world. Google’s definition soon added the key descriptors of “offensive”, “derogatory” and “dated”. This small victory proved that by working together, even seemingly small prejudices ingrained in our language can be rooted out. Of course, beliefs will take longer to transform. But changing how we discuss these issues publicly is an important step towards promoting understanding and equality on a societal scale. If we maintain focus on progress rather than perfection, positive change remains achievable through open and respectful collaboration.

Looking Towards the Future

Though challenges will continue to arise, seeing prejudice and harmful definitions addressed gives hope that mentalities can evolve with time. The uprising of Iranian women shows a willingness to confront injustice that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. As more individuals make their voices heard on social and global platforms, repressive systems find it harder to ignore the sweeping tide of public opinion. Going forward, maintaining open and informed discussions will be key to fostering cross-cultural understanding. With good faith on all sides, we can work to establish standards of equality, respect and dignity for all people everywhere. Future generations deserve to inherit a world of opportunity unhindered by the prejudices of the past. Our united actions today will shape that brighter tomorrow. Shocking Experiences and the Need for Change

