The Inspiration of Stephen Hawking

7 minute read

My Journey into Science

Ever since I was a young boy, I was always fascinated by science and the mysteries of our universe. When I was around 10 years old, my uncle gifted me a copy of A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking. Reading that book was a life-changing moment for me. Stephen Hawking’s groundbreaking work on theoretical physics and cosmology really sparked my interest in how the universe works at its most fundamental levels. From that day on, I knew I wanted to pursue a career in astrophysics and dedicate my life to exploring the secrets of black holes, dark matter, and the Big Bang.

Choosing My Path

Around the same time I was starting to excel at cricket and began representing my school in state and national tournaments. I had a natural talent for the sport and was devoted to practice, often waking up at 5 am for early morning training. However, I knew deep down that my true passion lay in the realm of science. One day after losing an important match, my father gave me an ultimatum - to choose between dedicating myself to cricket or focusing on my academics to pursue a career in astrophysics like Stephen Hawking. Without hesitation, I chose the latter. Handing over my cricket kit, I knew I had to knuckle down and work relentlessly to achieve my scientific dreams.

Laying the Foundation

From that point on, I made sure to get top marks in school and excel in all my science and math subjects. I carefully planned out the steps I needed to take, starting with completing my bachelor’s degree with honours in physics. After that, I went on to obtain a master’s degree in the same field. During my undergrad and postgrad studies, I carried out several research projects related to Stephen Hawking’s theories on topics like time travel, wormholes, and the Big Bang. Staying dedicated to theoretical and observational astrophysics allowed me to gain valuable skills and experience in my chosen specialty.

Following in Hawking’s Footsteps

After finishing my master’s, I secured a position as a research assistant exploring active galactic nuclei. This gave me a taste of contributing to the exploration of the large-scale structure of the observable universe. While my long-term goal remained a PhD in astrophysics, I ended up pursuing material science instead. However, my dedication to theoretical physics was inspired by none other than Professor Hawking. To this day, he remains the sole reason I pursued a career in science. His groundbreaking body of work in cosmology fired up my imagination and showed me what’s possible through determined research.

A Tragic Loss

So when I woke up one morning to the news that Professor Hawking had passed away, I was utterly heartbroken. The man who fueled my scientific passion and gave direction to my career path was gone. Sure, he will always be remembered for popularizing complex ideas and proving medical odds, but to me he was a guiding light. I owe who I am today entirely to his inspirational legacy. Stephen Hawking motivated me to persevere against all odds and solve the deepest riddles of the cosmos through diligent study. Even in his absence, his infinite curiosity for knowledge will live on through the generations of scientists he inspired, including myself. He left behind a phenomenal impact that cannot be overstated.

The Inspiration of Stephen Hawking

Choosing Science Over Sports

Ever since I was young, I had a natural talent for cricket and was excelling in state-level tournaments. However, around the same time, my uncle gifted me Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time, sparking a lifelong passion for theoretical physics within me. One day after losing an important cricket match, my father gave me an ultimatum to choose between focusing on sports or academics. Without hesitation, I chose the latter and handed over my cricket gear, knowing I had to dedicate myself fully to achieve my scientific dreams.

Gaining Foundational Knowledge

From that point on, I ensured top marks in school with a special focus on science and math subjects. I carefully mapped out the steps needed - starting with a bachelor’s degree with honours in physics. Following this, I obtained a master’s in the same field. Throughout my studies, I carried out research projects related to Hawking’s theories on topics like wormholes and the Big Bang. These allowed me to gain valuable hands-on experience in theoretical astrophysics.

Paving the Way for Academia

After completing my master’s, I secured work as a research assistant exploring active galactic nuclei. While this gave me exposure to large-scale cosmic structures, I ultimately chose to pursue material science for my PhD instead of astrophysics. However, my dedication to theoretical physics was nurtured since childhood by Professor Hawking and the questions he sought to address about our universe’s origins and fate.

Hawking’s Lifelong Influence

So when news broke of Hawking’s passing away, I was devastated. The man who had fueled my passion for science and shaped my career path was gone. To me, he represented sheer determination in the face of adversity and probing the deepest mysteries through diligent study. Even in his absence, Hawking’s curiosity will live on through the scientists he inspired, including myself. He leaves an immense and inspirational legacy that cannot be overstated.

Remembering an Icon

While Hawking is rightly remembered for popularizing complex ideas and pushing medical boundaries, to me he was a guiding light who proved what’s possible through relentless research. I owe who I am today to his influential body of work in cosmology, which fired my young imagination. Professor Hawking motivated me to persevere against all odds in solving the greatest puzzles of the cosmos. His phenomenal impact through empowering inquisitive minds like my own can never be underestimated. He changed the world and gave direction to my life path through the universal language of science.

The Inspiration of Stephen Hawking

An Early Spark for Science

From a young age, I was always fascinated by the mysteries of the universe. When I received Hawking’s A Brief History of Time at 10 years old, it sparked an enduring passion for theoretical physics within me. Hawking’s groundbreaking work on topics like black holes and cosmology really piqued my interest in fundamental questions about reality. From that moment on, I knew I wanted to dedicate my career to exploring the deepest secrets of nature through the lens of science.

Academic Career Beginnings

I made sure to plan out the steps needed meticulously - starting with completing my bachelor’s degree with honours in physics. This provided me with a strong foundation in the subject. I went on to obtain a master’s in the same field, carrying out multiple research projects related to Hawking’s seminal theories on spacetime, wormholes and more. These experiences granted exposure to astrophysical investigation techniques.

Turning Point and Commitment

Around this time, I was also excelling in cricket. However, after an important match defeat, my father forced me to choose between sports or academics. Without hesitation, I selected the latter, knowing science was my true passion. This pivotal decision allowed full focus on my studies, laying the groundwork for a scientific career path.

Inspired Discoveries and Growth

After my master’s, I took up research work exploring active galactic nuclei. While I eventually diverted to materials science for my PhD rather than astrophysics, my interest in theoretical physics was ignited by Hawking and nourished through diligent self-education. Absorbing his revolutionary concepts motivated constant development of my knowledge base.

Loss of a Guiding Light

So when news broke of Hawking’s passing, I was devastated - the man who lit my passion for unravelling cosmic mysteries through disciplined inquiry was gone. To me, he represented determination, brilliance and accessibilizing complex ideas. Even in his absence, Hawking’s curiosity lives on through those like myself whom he encouraged to investigate the nature of reality. His influence is immense and enduring.

The Inspiration of Stephen Hawking

Fateful Book Discovery

From a young age, I exhibited strong interest in the wonders of the universe. However, it was obtaining Stephen Hawking’s book A Brief History of Time at age 10 that truly sparked my passion for theoretical physics. Hawking’s elucidation of concepts like black holes and the Big Bang left me wanting to uncover more profound truths through scientific study.

Single-Minded Focus

Around this pivotal period, I was excelling at cricket too. Nonetheless, after a match defeat, my father demanded I choose between sports or education. Opting for the latter, I relinquished my cricket gear and applied single-minded dedication to excelling academically through physics and math.

Foundation Years

I studied for degrees with the intention to gain mastery over fundamental theoretical principles. Completing my bachelors and masters allowed hands-on experience with cosmological models raised by Hawking through projects on topics like wormholes and spacetime. These formative years prepared me well.

Career Direction

Next, I took up astrophysical research examining active galactic nuclei. Although later switching to materials science, my long-held attraction to resolving astronomy’s greatest riddles stemmed from Hawking’s example. Absorbing his groundbreaking work reinforced my drive to constantly expand comprehension.

Loss of an Icon

So on learning of Hawking’s passing, I felt profound sadness - the pioneer who ignited my thirst for solving reality’s deepest mysteries was gone. To me, he exemplified triumph over adversity through unyielding scientific determination. Even absent, his advocacy to make the complex accessible lives on in those like myself who aim to build on his monumental legacy.

The Inspiration of Stephen Hawking


The Inspiration of Stephen Hawking

