Dealing with Afternoon Sleepiness at Work

5 minute read

Making Small Changes to Your Lunch

Eating Light and Avoiding Sugars can Help You Feel Less Sleepy

One of the first steps to take is reviewing what you eat for lunch. Heavy, high-fat meals containing sugar are more likely to cause a crash in energy levels in the afternoon. Opting for a lighter lunch with lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and plenty of vegetables provides sustained energy without the drastic dip. Focus on filling half your plate with colorful non-starchy veggies which are low in calories and packed with nutrients. Get protein from boneless skinless chicken, fish, eggs, beans, lentils or tofu rather than fatty red meats. Choose whole grains like brown rice or quinoa instead of refined grains and pasta. And avoid sugary drinks, desserts and processed snacks which cause blood sugar spikes and crashes. Making small changes to lighten up your lunch can significantly reduce feelings of afternoon sleepiness.

Incorporating Short Breaks to Recharge

Power Napping for Just 20 Minutes Can Refresh and Re-energize You

If you continue feeling drowsy after a lighter, less sugary lunch, consider taking a short break to recharge with a power nap. Keeping naps to 20 minutes or less ensures you fall into the lighter stages of non-REM sleep and wake up feeling refreshed without grogginess. Try setting an alarm so you don’t accidentally sleep too long. Find a private, dimly-lit place like your car or a break room couch to nap. Remove your glasses if you wear them and get comfortable. Napping may seem counterproductive, but research shows short restful breaks improve concentration, productivity and mood for the rest of the day. Incorporating a brief power nap is a highly effective way to beat afternoon sleepiness and re-energize for your work tasks.

Choosing Caffeinated Drinks Strategically

Be Mindful of How Caffeine Affects You and When You Consume It

While caffeine from coffee or tea is a tried and true method for many, it’s important to consider how it affects you individually. Caffeine is a stimulant that blocks adenosine receptors in the brain to reduce fatigue. However, it may cause jitteriness, anxiety or disrupt sleep for some. The effects also vary based on factors like dosage, food intake, medications and individual metabolism. Start with a small amount like half a cup and pay attention to your body’s reaction. It’s best reserved for when you need an energy boost, rather than as a daily routine. Avoid it too close to bedtime as it can interfere with sleep. Be strategic when consuming caffeinated drinks to maximize benefits and avoid side effects that exacerbate fatigue instead of relieving it. Finding your ideal dose and timing can help harness caffeine to beat afternoon sleepies.

Getting Fresh Air and Sun Exposure

A Short Walk Outside Provides Vitamin D and Renewed Focus

If you’re feeling drained and lethargic, getting some fresh air and natural light exposure may be just what you need. Spending even 10-15 minutes outside for a walk during your lunch break or in the afternoon has multiple energizing benefits. Sunlight stimulates vitamin D production which supports mood, reduces stress and improves sleep quality. It also regulates our circadian rhythm and signals the brain it’s daytime for boosted alertness. Combined with gentle movement, being outdoors lowers levels of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. Simply walking around the building or through a nearby park provides a mental break as well as physical and visual stimulation to enhance focus when you return inside. Incorporating short walks outside is an easy and free option to revitalize yourself without caffeine or naps.

Staying Hydrated and Cool at Your Desk

Water Intake and a Proper Workspace Setup Can Combat Fatigue

Dehydration, which often goes unnoticed, is another factor that exacerbates feelings of exhaustion. Make a conscious effort to sip water regularly throughout the afternoon instead of waiting until you feel thirsty. Having a large reusable water bottle within reach keeps you accountable. In warmer months, overheating internally and externally increases fatigue too. Fans or opening windows provide air circulation, while light, breathable fabrics avoid overheating skin. General cooling improves concentration and prevents heat-related sleepiness onset. Lastly, ergonomics matter - ensure your desk and chair support proper posture with your feet flat and back straight to improve circulation and prevent strain causing lethargy. Staying hydrated, cool and comfortable at your workspace sets you up for success against afternoon drowsiness.

Setting Goals and Stay-Focused Activities

Short Daily Tasks and Interactions Prevent Work Lull and Boost Morale

In addition to physical changes, have go-to mental and social activities ready to shift your mindset if sleepiness hits. Set small, focused daily goals outside core responsibilities to keep your brain engaged. For example, tackle a 5-minute administrative task, review 3 emails comprehensively or help a coworker with their project for 15 minutes. Socializing briefly face-to-face or via messaging tools also lifts mood better than isolated work all afternoon. Staying connected with others reinforces brain activation. For truly emergent episodes, short sessions of stand-up comedy, podcasts or upbeat music provide an instant pick-me-up better than mindless web surfing. Preparing activities to set micro-goals and promote interactions staves off work lulls that invite sleepiness.

Knowing When You Need More Strategic Assistance

Don’t Hesitate to Reach Out if Fatigue Persists or Worsens Over Time

While helpful techniques can prevail on a day-to-day basis, it’s crucial not to ignore persistent or worsening afternoon drowsiness in the long-run. Chronic sleep issues, imbalanced lifestyle factors, nutritional deficiencies and underlying medical conditions could potentially be contributors. Have an open discussion with your healthcare provider and consider blood tests to rule out thyroid, anemia or vitamin D deficiency issues if natural remedies don’t solve the problem. They may recommend targeted supplements or lifestyle modifications. Your employer’s health and wellness department could also offer resources to analyze ergonomics, stress levels or provide relaxation techniques. Make addressing fatigue a priority to safeguard your wellbeing, productivity and career. Reach out for additional help sooner rather than later when simpler strategies alone fall short over weeks or months. Your health is worth a comprehensive solution. Dealing with Afternoon Sleepiness at Work