Meghan Markle and the Royal Family: A Story of Ambition, Culture Clash and Heartbreak

3 minute read

Ambition and Hypergamy

Meghan Markle did not simply “fall for” Prince Harry as some claim. In reality, Meghan saw Harry as an opportunity to elevate her social and economic status through marriage. As with many examples of hypergamy, she took advantage of the situation without hesitation. Meghan has long had ambitions of fame and recognition, even prior to meeting Harry as evident by her career as an actress. Marrying into the royal family allowed her to attain a level of global attention and wealth beyond what she could have achieved on her own.

Taking Advantage of Vulnerability

While Harry was going through a difficult time after his mother’s death, Meghan strategically sought him out and preyed on his vulnerability. She convinced him that she could “save” him from his unhappy life within the royal family. In reality, Meghan had no intention of fulfilling her duties as a royal spouse and being constrained by tradition. She simply wanted the prestige and platform that came with Harry’s status while avoiding any responsibilities. Meghan manipulated Harry and did not truly care for his well-being, only what he represented.

Clashing Cultures and Expectations

Coming from very different cultural backgrounds, it was inevitable that Meghan and Harry would struggle to align their visions and lifestyle preferences. Meghan, accustomed to her independent Hollywood career, chafed under the stringent protocols of the royal family. However, she also refused to make compromises and respect traditions. Meanwhile, Harry slowly began to realize that the life he wanted with Meghan was not compatible with his royal duties and ties to his family. The culture clash ultimately tore Harry apart between his beloved family and his wife.

Narcissism and Thirst for Attention

Meghan has always exhibited classic narcissistic tendencies through her actions. She adores public admiration and thrives on attention, as seen from her enthusiastic participation in events like “Deal or No Deal”. However, as a royal, Meghan wanted to curate her public image entirely on her own terms without adhering to expectations. When she did not receive constant praise or was asked to moderate her behavior, Meghan reacted by attacking the royal family and portraying herself as the victim. Her narcissism and ego could not handle any perceived criticism.

Friction with Kate and the Realization

From the beginning, Meghan viewed Kate as her greatest competition for attention and recognition within the royal family. Kate fulfilled her duties impeccably with grace and poise, representing the pinnacle of what was expected from royal wives. In contrast, Meghan struggled to conform and grew resentful of Kate’s popularity. It was then that Meghan realized she could never truly surpass or gain acceptance from Kate. Feeling threatened and inadequate, Meghan’s discontent within the royal family escalated from that point on.

Departure and Aftermath

When the royal family attempted to establish boundaries on Meghan and Harry’s commercial activities, it triggered their decision to abandon their royal roles. However, it is clear their departure stems from much deeper issues than claimed in their media interviews. Meghan has proven herself to be an opportunistic individual who used Harry for status and wealth while having no intention of honoring her commitments. Now facing potential financial independence, the relationship is bound to unravel further as reality sets in. Harry will undoubtedly face immense sorrow and regret once he realizes the full consequences of what he has lost for Meghan’s empty promises and ambition. A tragic tale of heartbreak exacerbated by clashing values and narcissistic behavior.

A Warning for Modern Relationships

The downfall of Harry and Meghan’s marriage serves as a cautionary example of how ambition, ego, and lack of compromise can destroy even the most cherished unions. When one partner places their craving for attention and status above all else, it poisons the relationship. Marrying without seriously considering cultural fit and expectations is also a recipe for strife. While the couple portrayed a fairy tale romance, the harsh realities of their disparate desires have torn them apart. All relationships require sacrifice from both sides - something Meghan was never willing to accept.

Conclusion - The Human Cost of Ambition

Ultimately, the greatest victims in this tragedy are Prince Harry, who appears to be slowly waking up to Meghan’s true nature, and the British royal family who have lost a beloved member. Meghan has selfishly pursued her dreams of fame and fortune regardless of collateral damage. Now discarded by the royals and facing an uncertain financial future, the couple may soon learn ambition and narcissism do not sustain lasting happiness. Harry in particular will have to come to terms with all he lost for an ambitious woman’s empty promises. A cautionary reminder that while ambition fuels success, when taken to an extreme it can destroy relationships and lives. Meghan Markle and the Royal Family: A Story of Ambition, Culture Clash and Heartbreak

