Zombies Attack and the Survival Begins

3 minute read

Into the Apocalypse

As I heard the cry for brains outside my door, I knew my life was about to change forever. The leader of the pack of zombies grabbed my hand sanitizer just before I could get to it. One of the lackeys bit into my leg, injecting who knows what kind of virus into my system.
I managed to escape and find shelter, but the wound on my leg had started oozing a strange green substance. My craving for human flesh was growing by the minute. Was I turning into one of them? I had to act fast if I wanted to survive.

Gathering Supplies

With my remaining strength and wits, I gathered the essential supplies I would need. First was my trusty assault rifle - it may be my only chance at a clean headshot to take out the enemy. Next was a portable water filter - who knows how contaminated the taps may be. With lockpicking tools and a serrated hatchet I could gather resources without making too much noise. And of course, plenty of anti-bacterial spray to clean any wounds.

Soundproof Shelter

My next task was to find a secure location to make my stand. I decided an abandoned storage unit looked promising - it was made of thick concrete walls that should be relatively soundproof. I used my lockpicking skills to gain entry without a sound. Inside was dusty but intact, with plenty of space. This would be my base of operations until I found others.

Making Contact

Calling for Help

Night fell and I knew I had to act quickly. Using my remaining radio batteries and solar-powered walkie talkie, I began calling out on different channels for any survivors. “This is Jack, looking for any other humans out there. Please respond if you can hear me!” I repeated every hour through the night.

A Faint Reply

Finally, near dawn, a weak fuzzy voice came through “Jack…is that you? This is Sarah, I read you.” We immediately began exchanging our locations, trying to figure out the best rendezvous point. She was holed up in an apartment building about 10 miles west of me. We agreed to meet at the abandoned gas station between us at high noon.

Finding Each Other

I packed up my essential gear and started off at first light. The journey was treacherous - zombie hordes were roaming the streets in every direction. Using side routes and alleyways I was able to slowly make my way west under the cover of debris. Finally the gas station came into view, and to my relief Sarah was already there waiting. We embraced, thrilled to have found another living soul.

Joining Forces

Sharing Our Stories

Over the next few hours, Sarah and I exchanged all we had learned of the outbreak so far. She revealed how the virus had started spreading so rapidly in the dense city. I told her of my bite and worries that I may become one of them. We realized we would have better chances together than alone.

Safety in Numbers

We decided the abandoned storage unit I found would make the best short term base, as it was more secure than Sarah’s apartment. After clearing any nearby zombies, we made the journey back to my shelter as the sun went down. Inside we were able to relax for the first time, thankful for each other’s company and protection. From now on we would scavenge and survive as a team.

Planning Ahead

Through the night by candlelight, Sarah and I began strategizing our next steps. We needed more weapons and supplies before venturing further into the city ruins. I suggested raiding the nearby National Guard armory the next morning, which was likely to have whatever gear we needed. Sarah agreed it was a risk worth taking. With a plan in place and each other’s backs, our odds of survival were looking up. The fight to stay alive in the zombie wasteland had just begun. Zombies Attack and the Survival Begins

