This Is How Quora and Quit Now App Changed My Life

2 minute read

A Software Engineer’s Journey

As a normal software engineer working in a reputed company, I led a rather unfulfilling life. I never tried to understand concepts in depth and was just interested in making the “Hello World” program work. I spent more time socializing online rather than developing skills. Then I discovered two apps - Quora and Quit Now - that completely transformed me.

Learning Beyond Code Through Quora

During college, I was more focused on fun than studies. I never listened in class and rarely read. As a result, though I knew programming languages, I lacked conceptual clarity. After getting a job, I continued my superficial approach. That changed when I discovered Quora. Reading long answers inspired me to learn beyond code. Within 6 months of regular Quora use, I developed strong reading habits and a desire for in-depth knowledge. My work improved greatly as well.

Gaining Health Through Quitting Smoking

Smoking was another bad habit since college. Though occasional, it was unhealthy. One day, I decided to quit and searched the Play Store. That’s when I found Quit Now - smoking cessation app. I loved its gamified approach and support features. Within a month of using it, I was able to kick the 10-12 cigarette habit. In a few more months, I gained good muscle mass through regular exercise too. Quitting smoking and exercising have vastly improved my physical and mental well-being.

Establishing a Routine

With Quora inspiring me to learn and Quit Now motivating fitness, I established a solid daily routine. Waking up early allowed running and making nutritious smoothies. Gym sessions after work helped build strength. Reading for 2 hours daily expanded my knowledge. Weekends were no longer about aimless socializing but focused self-improvement. Slowly, an unorganized life became well-structured and productive.

Pursuing Bigger Dreams

Quitting distractions and following a routine filled me with confidence and clarity. I started dreaming bigger - of taking my technical skills to the next level through platforms like Linux. I also aimed for leadership roles through strong communication and mentoring abilities. My personal relationships improved as I learned to value people for who they are rather than superficial qualities. Today, I have the drive and faith to achieve any goal I set my mind to.

Reflecting on Change

It has been over 2 years since I discovered these life-changing apps. Looking back, I realize small changes can reinvent you completely if persisted with discipline. Quora fueled my thirst for learning while Quit Now enhanced physical transformation. Together, they lit a fire in me to excel and learn everyday. Though the journey isn’t over, I’m grateful for how far I’ve come from my lethargic past. My future looks brighter with each new day! This Is How Quora and Quit Now App Changed My Life

