The Lost Science of Krypton: What its advanced technology could mean in the Warhammer 40K universe

3 minute read

Krypton’s Scientific Prowess and Blindness

Kryptonian civilization was remarkably advanced, developing technologies far beyond those of 21st century Earth. However, their immense scientific achievements were also accompanied by immense arrogance and unwillingness to face realities that threatened their world. As catastrophic environmental changes began destroying Krypton, its rulers refused to take action to evacuate the planet, dooming its entire population. Their closed-mindedness proved as destructive as the forces unraveling their home.

Warp Travel and Planet-Shaping Crystal Technologies

Kryptonians had mastered technologies like warp travel, allowing spacecraft to traverse vast interstellar distances through extradimensional shortcuts. Jor-El was able to calculate precise coordinates to send his infant son Kal-El through a warphole to Earth. Krypton also demonstrated an uncanny mastery over materials like living crystal, which could rapidly build enormous habitable structures or devastating warships with planet-destroying firepower, engineered from a single seed crystal. Such biocrystalline technologies would rank among the most feared in the galaxy.

Phantom Drives and Advanced Weaponry

Another remarkable Kryptonian innovation was the phantom drive, allowing transport of individuals to the nightmarish Phantom Zone dimension for imprisonment or dumping waste. With refinement, phantom drives might serve as a form of faster-than-light propulsion rivaling even the most sophisticated human or Eldar craft. Krypton also developed potent weapons like kryptonite, a mineral deadly to their people but with power to incapacitate even their greatest champions like Superman. In different hands, such arms could tip the balance of any conflict.

The Power of Kryptonian Psionics

Less is known of Kryptonians’ mastery of psychic phenomena, but some abilities exhibited by rare individuals suggest an ingrained potential. Under a red sun lacking Earth’s yellow radiation, Superman retains senses vastly more acute than baseline humans, likely due to genetic psionic augmentation. Properly cultivated, Kryptonian psychic disciplines may have rivaled even Eldar warlocks and farseers in scope. Given time and will to develop, they could have elevated Krypton to glory through nonviolent means, ushering in an era of compassion and enlightenment.

Krypton’s Place Among the Galactic Empires

At the apex of science and sorcery stood luminous civilizations like the Old Ones of Warhammer, creators of the first sentient races. The Necrons inherited power to reshape stars and dominate death itself. Among these giants strode the enigmatic Eldar, weaving reality through subtle arts. By rights, Krypton deserved similar status, with accomplishments that surpass even humanity’s greatest imperiums. Had its leaders grasped the duty to safeguard knowledge and spread light instead of hoarding it, Krypton might have founded a dynasty to challenge even the Age of Strife. Alas, arrogance blinded them, and all was lost.

The Legacy of Krypton’s Failed Empire

Though Krypton perished, remnants of its legacy endure. Kal-El carries on the potential of his people as Superman, defending innocence with powers rivaling demigods. Others like General Zod and Faora Hu-Ul strive to revive lost glory through domination. In more benevolent hands, Kryptonian science could achieve wonders by Uplifting lesser species instead of oppressing them. Even ruins like the scout ship that delivered Kal-El contain bounties of dilithium crystals and biocrystals that, if uncovered, could transform the stellar balance. Where its rulers saw only themselves, its exiles see instead a legacy to redeem through service to all. Perhaps in some future age, a reborn Krypton will yet take its place in the Empyrean, glowing anew as a beacon of hope.

The Imperial Perspective on Kryptonian Might

To Tech-Priests of the Imperium of Man, Kryptonian industry would stir potent fascination and fear. Their feats like planetworks and monster battleships defy comprehension. Yet Imperial ideology sees only peril in such pride and potential rebellion. They would scramble toacquire fallen Kryptonian wreckage by any means, decoding its mysteries through grit and augmetics alone where elven psykers might intuit instant understanding. While admiring Kryptonian triumphs, the Imperial hierarchy would also brand its hubris as heresy, seeing in its ghosts a threat to their grim dominion. Only by proving loyalty to Throne and Man might what remains of Krypton find grudging acceptance in the Emperor’s realm.

The Potential Alliance of Krypton and the Aeldari

Of all the galactic powers, the enigmatic Aeldari may have understood Krypton best. Like Kryptonians, the Aeldari evolved psychic mastery and sublime technologies rising almost to Old One legacy. Both thrived as island empires, then fell to doom through overconfidence. Exile factions like the Craftworld Aeldari and the Harlequins survive their race’s cataclysm, as do sons of Krypton like Superman. In a just universe, these kindred remnants might find common cause. By blending Kryptonian brawn with Aeldari subtly, they could revolutionize science and sorcery, guiding lesser races to ascension without tyranny’s taint. Together, their light could reignite the dimming stars and rewrite destinies. The Lost Science of Krypton: What its advanced technology could mean in the Warhammer 40K universe

