The Inner Conflict Between the Heart and Brain After a Breakup

2 minute read

Prioritizing Logic Over Emotion

The brain had figured out months ago that moving on was necessary. It saw clearly that the other person didn’t care and was selfishly worrying only about themselves. However, the heart refused to let go of the connection. It believed the other still valued the relationship deep down and just needed help to see clearly again.

Analyzing Facts Versus Hoping

The brain argued that there was no evidence the other still cared. It pointed to months of no contact, being told to go away, and a lack of response even when deep feelings were expressed. Still, the heart hoped another chance could fix everything. It didn’t want to walk away without knowing it tried everything.

Protecting From Further Pain

The brain was astonished by the heart’s refusal to accept the end. It listed all the signs clearly showing the other didn’t care. The brain wanted to shut down the heart’s continual reopening of old wounds. It argued shutting off feelings for a while would allow healing without constant pain.

The Directive to Connect

However, the heart had a stronger imperative to nurture connections. It explained this was its biological function. While the brain controls thought, the heart overrides by continuing to care. True solo living seemed empty compared to sharing life with someone special. But the brain feared an unhealthy addiction if feelings weren’t shut off.

Confronting Cold Reality

A last attempt by the brain made the heart face cold reality. It detailed how the other clearly cared more about random people than their relationship. No real effort had been made to solve problems or be honest. The heart finally agreed the bond wasn’t strong enough, yet still held onto hope it could be rekindled one day.

Learning From Mistakes

The brain knew shutting down the heart was impossible. Instead, it took control of outside contact to allow inward healing. Both organs now understood compromise was needed. While the heart clung to hope, the brain focused on improvements. If feelings reignited on both sides later, they could revisit rebuilding what was lost through open communication this time.

Managing Expectations

For now, giving space was agreed as best. The brain cautioned not to expect anything, for disappointment might set back recovery. Although the future felt unclear, having an inner truce allowed focusing outward on other fulfilling aspects of life again. Time would show if their connection was truly meant to be or if it was time for both heart and brain to accept moving on for good.

Continuing the Inner Debate

The debate between heart and brain is ongoing as feelings fully resolve. Both play important roles, with the brain protecting from irrational choices and the heart reminding to never shut love out completely. Compromise between them guides the difficult road to healing. While answers aren’t clear, having each other for support through the process is most important as they rebuild themselves stronger after loss. The Inner Conflict Between the Heart and Brain After a Breakup

