The Freedom of Universal Healthcare

3 minute read

The system of universal healthcare provides greater freedom, flexibility and peace of mind compared to the American model that ties health insurance to employment. Personal experiences of foreigners receiving emergency medical care in countries with universal healthcare highlight how it reduces financial burdens and anxieties.

A Chance Encounter

An American citizen found himself requiring emergency medical attention while living in England after a metal sign fell and landed between his eyes. Though in severe pain and panic, he still worried about potential medical bills before losing consciousness. Luckily, the young emergency medical technician who treated his minor concussion asked only for his NHS number, not payment. The American was grateful to leave without an invoice for his care.

Care Without Barriers

During a trip to Scotland, the author’s son broke his collarbone playing games and received prompt treatment without questions about insurance or ability to pay. As a grateful parent, the author recognized the NHS as one of humanity’s greatest achievements - universal healthcare allowing care based solely on need, not financial means.

Peace of Mind While Traveling

A woman traveling with a small group fell ill during a trip abroad and spent a week hospitalized. She worried constantly about insurance coverage and costs, relieved only upon learning the hospital had no billing system. All developed countries except America guarantee healthcare as a right rather than privilege earned through employment or wealth.

Flexibility Without Fearing Illness

With universal healthcare tied to individuals rather than jobs, citizens gain freedom. Jobs can be left without worrying about healthcare lapses. Businesses face lower barriers to starting, since employee health insurance is simplified. People may pursue dreams like writing, hiking or traveling long-term without the shadow of medical costs looming.

Independence Through Security

Strangely, some claimuniversal healthcare reduces freedom and independence, whereas experiences show it enhances both.Only in America must people stay in unsatisfying jobs solely for health benefits or risk financial ruin from illness. True freedom lies in the peace of mind that health crises won’t bankrupt people or choices. With care delinked from employment, all gain greater flexibility to live and work as they choose.

Long-term Cost Savings

Providing universal healthcare as a basic right results in significant long-term savings for both individuals and nations overall. Preventative care and lack of coverage barriers mean issues are addressed early before becoming emergencies. This reduces medical costs dramatically compared to the American system where many delay necessary care due to costs. Higher administrative expenses are also avoided without complex private insurance billing and paperwork. Nations with universal systems typically spend far less overall on healthcare as a percentage of GDP compared to the US.

Widespread Support If Experienced

If every American faced some unexpected health emergency abroad and received prompt, zero-cost care, views on universal healthcare may shift dramatically. As with the author’s personal experiences, direct exposure to alternative successful systems reduces the “arrogance” fueled by misinformation.arrogance” fueled by misinformation. Universal healthcare should be considered not just a financial model but a basic human right fulfilled via sensible policy, as in all other major developed nations worldwide. A single healthcare experience overseas could shift perspectives for life.

Moving America Towards Universal Healthcare

Momentum is building towards universal healthcare in the US as shortcomings of the current model become impossible to ignore. The Covid-19 pandemic starkly exposed flaws like coverage barriers exacerbating the crisis. Incremental steps like Medicaid expansion, optional public options and lowering eligibility ages for Medicare point towards eventual adoption of a universal system. Personal experiences receiving care abroad along with rising costs at home may finally convince even longtime skeptics that healthcare is too important to leave to chance or employment status alone. A system protecting all as a right remains the goal for a rich nation that fails too many of its people now. The Freedom of Universal Healthcare

