The Fateful Riddle Game

2 minute read

Harry’s Slip-up

Harry was deep in conversation with Professor Quirrell, exchanging riddles and witty banter. However, Harry Potter’s lack of Occlumency skills would prove detrimental during this game. When Harry ran out of ideas and asked “What have I got in my pocket?”, little did he know the grave mistake he had just made.

Legilimency at its Finest

Being one of the most potent Legilimens of all time, Lord Voldemort was easily able to see inside Harry’s mind. Within moments, he had discovered the Philosopher’s Stone concealed in Harry’s pocket. A sly smile crept across Quirrell’s face, knowing victory was now assured. Harry realized all too late that his feeble attempts to shield his thoughts were worthless against such a powerful Dark wizard.

An Awful Truth is Revealed

“Not so fast, my boy!” Quirrell cried triumphantly. Harry froze in terror, comprehending with horror that Quirrell could see straight through his ruse. In that moment, the turban was removed to reveal Voldemort himself, lingering on the back of Quirrell’s head. Harry’s world came crashing down as the true mastermind behind recent events stood before him at last. All the clues had been there, yet still the awful truth had eluded the young Gryffindor.

A Desperate Struggle Ensues

What followed was a tense battle of wills, with Harry attempting to restrain the now maniacal Dark Lord through force of character alone. However, wrestling with Voldemort taxed the boy’s magic greatly. As Harry weakened, Voldemort’s power only grew. It seemed all hope was lost against this formidable foe more powerful than any eleven-year-old could face. In his moment of greatest peril, Harry found an inner strength he never knew he possessed.

An Unlikely Victory is Achieved

Through a supreme effort of magic and bravery beyond his years, Harry was able to overcome Quirrell and force Voldemort’s spirit from his body once more. The dark wizard fled again, but not before unleashing a fiery curse that left Harry on the brink of death. Though close to doom, Harry had achieved the impossible by surviving yet another encounter with the most evil Dark Lord of all time. Against all odds, good had triumphed over evil, if only for today. But the true battle was still to come.

Harry’s Destiny Begins to Unfold

As Harry drifted in and out of consciousness, the significance of what had transpired slowly dawned on him. He had faced Voldemort and lived - not just once but twice now. Some greater force seemed to be guiding his actions and protecting him from harm. Little did Harry know that this fateful meeting would set him irrevocably on the path towards his destiny - to one day defeat the dark wizard who had brought so much suffering, or die trying. Harry Potter’s story was only just beginning. The Fateful Riddle Game

