The Dream that was Shattered but the Hope that remained Unbroken

3 minute read

Chasing the Dream

Growing up, Calvin had always been fascinated by the military and dreamed of becoming a pilot in the Indian Air Force. From a young age of 5, he was mesmerized by the soldiers in uniform and found joy in sketching mock officers and saluting in front of the mirror. As he got older, he dedicated himself to the goal of joining the elite armed forces. He worked hard in his studies scoring high marks and also participated in various sports. After 13 years of preparations, the day had finally arrived when his selection would be announced. To his excitement, Calvin’s name was called out as one of the selected candidates. The feeling of achievement and pride was indescribable.

Though ecstatic to be recommended, Calvin knew the journey was not over yet. The mandatory medical tests had to be cleared in order to secure his place. However, during the process some issues were flagged with his physical examination. Though minor and deemed manageable, as per protocols they were considered unfit as per the stringent army standards. Calvin kept faith that he would clear it in the appeal boards with treatment and consultations. Unfortunately after multiple attempts, he was declared permanently unfit to join shattering his dreams before his eyes.

Fall into Despair

The reality was tough to digest for Calvin. All those years of dedication amounted to nothing in a single moment. Watching others fulfill their dreams while being left behind was deeply painful. Calvin struggled with immense self-doubt questioning his own abilities and pondering over what went wrong. Feeling like a failure, he fell into despair seeing no other purpose in life. Comforting words from others fell on deaf ears as no one could truly understand the anguish of losing something so important.

Confronting Harsh Truths

Though wanting to wallow in misery, Calvin knew he couldn’t stay stuck for long. He had to face some harsh truths and make difficult decisions. Blaming fate or circumstances would not change the situation. Wishing the past away was pointless. While the loss of his dream stung like an open wound, he realized dwelling on it would only make the pain last longer. As much as he hated to accept it, Calvin came to terms with the fact that the army was never meant to be. It was time to let go and look ahead rather than behind.

Rediscovering Purpose

Once Calvin made peace with his reality, the next steps became clearer. Moving on did not mean forgetting his dream entirely but honoring it through a positive outlook. He decided to channel all his zeal and focus onto a new field - engineering. With his qualifications and dedication, he secured a prestigious job working in research and development. Though not as glamorous as being a pilot, Calvin derived fulfillment in contributing technical solutions. Along with his career, Calvin nurtured other interests like reading, exercising and spending quality time with loved ones. Slowly, he rediscovered his zest for life beyond just the army.

Offering Hope to Others

Even years later, there are moments when Calvin feels pangs of what could have been. However, he has learned to appreciate how far he has come since those dark days of defeat. By openly sharing his story of resilience, Calvin hopes to offer solace to those struggling with failure or loss of aspirations. He wants them to know that while dreams may shatter, hope need not die if one refuses to quit on life. More than the fancy titles or adrenaline, true joy lies in living to one’s fullest potential regardless of circumstances. And that is a lesson Calvin continues inspiring others with through his own journey. The Dream that was Shattered but the Hope that remained Unbroken

