The Beginning of True Love

7 minute read

A Chance Encounter in Class

It was 2007 when I first met my future wife in 2nd standard. As a new student, she immediately stood out to me with her kind smile and friendly demeanor. Being the teacher’s pet, I helped her feel welcome in our class. We became fast friends, enjoying recess together and learning about each other’s lives. However, after two happy years, her family had to relocate for her father’s job transfer. Losing touch was difficult for two such close childhood friends.

Rediscovering an Old Friend

Fast forward to 2010, when I was in my 3rd year of engineering college. A friend mentioned running into my old classmate from years ago on the popular social media platform, Orkut. Curious to see how she had grown up, I searched for and found her profile. To my surprise, she accepted my friend request right away, eager to reconnect as well. We began chatting regularly, catching up and sharing memories from our school days. Before I knew it, feelings long dormant started resurfacing for this woman from my past.

A Chance at Love

One fateful day in early 2011, I mustered up my courage to ask if she would consider dating. Although she took some time to think it over, not wanting to rush into anything, I knew in my heart she was special. After 3 months of continuous communication, she said yes. From that moment on, we were inseparable. Our friendship blossomed into a deep love and care for one another. A couple weeks ago, I popped the question, and soon we will be wed in March, surrounded by family and friends to celebrate our joy and commitment. Truly, reconnecting by chance led to the love of my life.

An Unexpected Text

A few months before our wedding, I was reminiscing on how we rekindled our relationship so unexpectedly. In late 2010, we had lost touch again after a brief falling out. However, fate had other plans for us it seems. One rainy November day, I received a text from an unknown number. Curious, I replied asking who it was. To my utter shock, it was my beloved reaching out after all this time. We spent that afternoon catching up and the rest is history. Sometimes the smallest acts lead to the greatest loves, if only we open our hearts to possibility once more.

Planning Our Special Day

Now that our March wedding is fast approaching, we’ve been busy with preparations. As the big day will also mark 10 years since we first met, we wanted it to be extra memorable. We decided on an outdoor garden ceremony followed by a reception under a tent, to enjoy the fresh air and natural beauty. I’ve been helping with tasks like choosing our wedding favors and bouquets, tasting menus with the caterer, and collaborating on invitation designs. Meanwhile, she has been occupied with dress fittings, scheduling hair/makeup trials, and finalizing entertainment details. Although there is much to do, working as a team makes the process fun and far less stressful.

Looking Forward to Our Future Together

With the wedding behind us, we plan to settle into married life seamlessly while pursuing our respective careers. I will continue my job as a software engineer and she hopes to advance her role as an elementary school teacher. In a few years, once our careers are more established, we daydream of starting a family together. I hope to one day build a home for us, maybe in the suburbs with a big backyard for the kids to play. Raising children with the love and values we share will be hugely fulfilling. Despite ups and downs, our bond has stood the test of time. Together, whatever life may bring seems bright with possibilities as long as I have her by my side.

The Accidental Confession

An Engrossing Movie and an Unexpected Call

One Saturday in early 2012, I was immersed in watching one of my favorite films - Rocky - when an important call interrupted my viewing. It was my close friend on the phone, crying and seemingly distressed about something. In my annoyance at being pulled from the climax fight scene, I hastily replied to reassure her without fully listening. Only later would I realize the grave mistake in my words.

A Moment of Clarity and Panic

As the credits rolled, I saw the text I had sent in response. To my absolute horror, instead of saying “It’s okay”, I had accidentally told her “I love you” due to my distracted state. The magnitude of what I had done hit me like a ton of bricks. I suddenly understood why her call seemed so upset. How could I explain this slip up in a way she would understand and forgive? My mind raced with worry as I prepared to meet her at the park to address my error.

An Honest Conversation and A Surprising Confession

When we met face to face, I profusely apologized and told her the whole story of what really happened. To my relief, she understood it was not meant romantically due to our close friendship. However, she then shared something amazing - my confession, accidental as it was, pushed her to also admit hidden feelings she’d grown for me over time. We decided to start fresh as more than friends. And the rest, as they say, is history! Sometimes the unintended brings the greatest gifts, if we allow love to unfold naturally.

A Happy Beginning Together

From that day on, we became official and our bond has done nothing but strengthen. I chuckle now thinking how my clumsiness led us to confess our true hearts to one another. What started as simply watching a movie together has brought me a lifetime of joy and companionship. That “typo” changed my life in the best way imaginable. Now, as we prepare for marriage, I couldn’t be more grateful to whatever divine intervention caused my blunder all those years ago. It was truly the best accident that ever happened to me!

Finding Courage Through Words

Sharing Deepest Thoughts

In early 2011 as college stresses took their toll, I found solace in chatting with my close friend late into the night. Through long phone calls, I revealed worries, doubts, and feelings I’d kept private before. Her calm, caring presence helped alleviate the burdens on my mind. The comfort of her counsel grew more essential by the day.

Feelings Realized and Admitted

After particularly intense studies left me overwhelmed one March evening, I broke down crying to her on the phone. Her words of reassurance and empathy pierced my heart in a new way. In that moment of vulnerability, I knew - this woman meant more to me than any other. Still, admitting deep affection seemed too frightening. How could I be sure she felt the same?

Leaping into the Unknown

A week later, I mustered courage and asked simply “Do you see us as just friends?”. Her shy reply and blushing smile gave me hope. From there we took a leap, deciding to explore our potential as more than companions. In opening up emotionally, we found a bond transcending explanations. By baring souls to one another, trust and care strengthened our true connection.

Growing Together Through Communication

Even in hard times like my complex placement season that winter, keeping an honest dialogue kept our relationship healthy. Hearing and being heard, without judgment, became our way. Step by step we figured out how to support each other through all life brings. Ten years later, we still make time each night - to share thoughts, to foster understanding, and to fall deeper in love through words. Open communication remains the foundation of our happiness.

Facing Challenges Side by Side

As with any relationship, small issues have arisen now and then. But speaking from the heart, we work through miscommunications swiftly. Teamwork sees us through bigger storms too, like when she lost her job last year. With patience and compassion guiding us, no barrier stands for long. I know together, with candid talk as our strength, we will face whatever is to come united and strong.

Finding Each Other Again

A Chance Connection online

In early 2010, scrolling through Facebook one afternoon, I happened upon an old schoolmate’s profile. We had not interacted since second grade when her family moved away. Curious about this woman from my childhood, I sent a friend request on a whim. To my pleasant surprise, she accepted instantly, also wondering what became of me after all these years.

Rekindling a Friendship

Messaging began casually at first, reminiscing on silly in-class antics and teachers we both remembered. Laughter and smiles of reminiscence soon turned to regular online conversations each day. Catching up fully after so long apart, we found our bond easily renewed, like we’d never spent time apart. But were feelings starting to run deeper for one of us?

Taking a Chance on More

By late 2010, I realized with a start my growing fondness had transformed into genuine caring for her as more than an old friend. Scared yet hopeful, I put my heart out there and asked if she may want to start over, giving us a real try this time. To my great joy, she felt the same! Though the path ahead seemed uncertain, togetherness felt profoundly right.

Second Chances that Last

Over a decade has gone by in the blink of an eye since fate brought us back together. No relationship has ever felt so meant to be. The little girl I The Beginning of True Love

