Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse: My Comprehensive Plan

3 minute read

Making Preparations

Nestled in the plains of North Dakota, far away from the initial outbreaks in major population centers, I begin making preparations for survival. First, I stock up on non-perishable foods, tools, weapons, medical supplies and other essential equipment at nearby stores while prices are still normal. A powerful generator, fuel, and items for setting traps or defending myself will be crucial in the coming months. I also warn close friends and family to prepare or retreat to my location. We’ll need strength in numbers to endure the approaching difficulties.

Securing Shelter

With help from relatives, I fortify my family’s farmhouse, boarding windows, reinforcing doors, and setting alarms. Living remotely, we won’t face immediate risks but must ready for any infected travelers. The cold climate also buys time as zombies will freeze. Sheltered among grain silos and fields, we can weather the outbreak’s beginnings. With hunting and what remains in storage, food won’t be an issue for now. Time spent learning survival skills from manuals and films will prove invaluable once contact with the outside world ends. (“remote survival” “post-apocalyptic farming”)

Establishing Defenses

To create multiple layers of defense, I begin building a series of fences and barricades around the property using scrap metal, wood, and barbed wire. Motion sensor lights and alarms linked to the house alert us to any approaching threats. Well-armed night watches begin to spot infected stragglers drawn by noise or scent. These are silently eliminated from a safe distance using suppressed weapons. Booby traps laid in the outer rings further thin their numbers. Inside the safe zone, my group practices combat techniques and learns to operate vehicles, generators, and radios. “zombieland rules” “undead deterrents”

Scavenging and Reconnaissance

With the swarm growing, expeditions shift focus from fortifying our settlement to scavenging remaining supplies. Maps plot the travels of scouting parties on bicycles, carefully gathering food, fuel, tools and materials from outlying structures. We avoid cities and towns now thick with infected. Reports from ham radio also locate other survivor groups. By sharing resources and coordinating defenses, we hope isolation will not mean the end of civilization. A doctor in our number begins chronicling our experiences and symptoms of infection for posterity. “post-apocalyptic radio communication” “colony building”

Expanding the Community

Word of our safe-haven has spread and more refugees arrive weekly, doubling our numbers. Managing resources and preventing outbreaks within the walls poses new challenges. Fields are replanted and livestock tended with more hands. New structures rise to house our growing population. Regular sweeps beyond the outer-fences cull infected drawn by the activity and lights within. Patrols also hunt wandering herds, thinning the local threat. Traders from distant havens begin to contact us via radio, opening discussion of alliances. With coordination and combined strengths, humanity may rebuild after the plague burns itself out. “self-sufficient community” “fortified safe zone”

Maintaining Order and Morale

As our numbers swell and supplies grow scarce, maintaining law and morale in the cramped colony proves taxing. Patrol and sentry schedules are enforced to prevent exhaustion and lapses. A council of elected elders is formed to fairly arbitrate disputes and direct expansion. Fortifications are again improved with materials scavenged further afield as infections dwindle in the countryside. Stories, plays and leisure activities are organized regularly to lift spirits. Scouts teach eager volunteers combat and survival skills. With so many saved lives depending on our defenses, none can afford to weaken through complacency or discord as the apocalypse continues beyond our walls. “keeping order in difficult times”

Moving Towards Recovery

Two years after the outbreak, reports from allied settlements describe the infected beginning to starve and wander aimlessly in the emptied cities. Expeditions find the remains of those who did not survive the initial madness. Our medics have also begun to successfully treat bite wounds with newly developed treatments. With extreme caution, scouts make initial contact with other fortified communities, mapping routes between safe zones. Travelling in convoys, surplus tools and supplies can now be traded across this burgeoning network. Seeds are also dispersed to repopulate the returning wilds. While threats may remain, with cooperation, humanity will triumph over the undead plague and start anew. Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse: My Comprehensive Plan

