Solving the Book Shelf Puzzle

2 minute read

Let us look further into solving this book shelf puzzle in a step-by-step manner. Determining the Total Number of Books The key pieces of information we are given are:

  1. One book is the 4th from the left.
  2. The same book is the 6th from the right. We can break this down into:

    Counting from the Left

    • There are 3 books to the left of the target book
    • So books 1, 2, 3 are to the left
    • The target book is the 4th book from the left

Counting from the Right

  • There are 5 books to the right of the target book
  • So books 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 are to the right
  • The target book is the 6th book from the right By adding up the books to the left (3 books) and the books to the right (5 books), along with the target book itself, we get the total number of books on the shelf. 3 books (left) + 5 books (right) + 1 book (target book) = 9 books Therefore, by combining the two pieces of information given, we can determine that the total number of books on the shelf is 9 books. Validity of the Solution Let us validate that this solution makes logical sense:
  • If a book is 4th from the left, then there must be 3 books before it
  • If the same book is 6th from the right, then there must be 5 books after it
  • For the positions from left and right to align on the same book, the total number of books must be the sums of those before and after
  • Therefore, the calculation of 3 + 5 + 1 = 9 books is valid By methodically breaking down the clues and putting the pieces together step-by-step, we have arrived at the clear and valid solution that there are a total of 9 books on the shelf. Deriving Additional Insights Now that we have solved the core puzzle, we can derive some additional interesting insights:

    Book Placement Logic

  • The positioning of the books is symmetrical
  • The target book is in the central position (4th from left = 6th from right) when there are an odd number of total books
  • This follows logical book placement on a single shelf

    Alternative Ways of Solving

  • We could also work backwards from assuming the total is 9 books
  • Then check that 4th from left and 6th from right aligns on the same target book

    Extensions of the Puzzle

  • What if more clues were given about other book positions?
  • How would that change or validate the total number of books? In summary, by taking a step-by-step logical approach and combining all the clues, we have not only solved the core book shelf puzzle but also gained additional insights into book placement, alternative solutions and potential extensions. A thoroughly satisfying puzzle! Solving the Book Shelf Puzzle

