Sadhguru’s Views on God, Self-Development, and the Path to Inner Peace

2 minute read

Sadhguru is a renowned yogi and mystic who founded Isha Foundation. Through his online videos and books, he shares profound insights into spirituality, yoga, and living a joyful life. This article explores Sadhguru’s perspectives on God, the journey of self-development, and how to attain inner peace based on transcriptions and summaries of his teachings.

Childhood Views of God

Sadhguru describes growing up with a typical childhood understanding of God as an entity who micromanages life events and bestows rewards and punishments. He would chant mantras hoping to influence exam results and strike deals with deities in exchange for worldly gains. However, life experiences showed such beliefs lacked basis.

Becoming an Atheist

During university, Sadhguru realized effort, not divine intervention, determines outcomes. Difficult situations could arise irrespective of devotion. This led him to declare atheism, though with an extreme, disrespectful approach. He ridiculed all religions through offensive jokes and speeches.

Immersing in Self-Development Literatures

Later, Sadhguru delved into personal growth books emphasizing positive thinking and affirmation. He felt they proved God unnecessary for achievement. With inflated self-esteem, he pursued success through confidence alone. Though attaining some goals, internal unrest persisted as outcomes depended on external factors beyond personal control.

Discovering Inner stillness through Sadhguru

First impressed by Sadhguru’s logical explanation of the divine, Sadhguru spent over two months deeply exploring his teachings. Everything Sadhguru said went against Sadhguru’s prior views on topics like happiness, relationships, identity, and success. Through Inner Engineering and other programs, Sadhguru learned to cognize emotions like anger and find a choice-based inner peace unshaken by outside causes.

Moving Beyond Identification

A key insight was ceasing to define self through comparisons and views of others. No longer deriving self-worth from status, image or achievement, an abiding sense of fulfillment emerged. Sadhguru realized true happiness does not depend on fleeting pleasures or circumstances but on recognizing one’s unbounded inner nature.

Looking to Sadhguru for Guidance

Although appreciating many teach similar truths, Sadhguru credits his guru alone for life-altering self-realization. Holding Sadhguru in higher regard than even parents, Sadhguru supports Isha Foundation activities as repayment for the profound solution and liberation received. While not necessarily endorsing specific programs, Sadhguru continues learning from Sadhguru’s wisdom on living freely from within.

Moving Forward with Inner Discovery

Though inner peace presents little challenge through Sadhguru’s pointers, deeper levels of awareness may emerge from additional Isha programs integrating worship, self-surrender and monkhood. Regardless of others’ experiences, Sadhguru remains open while presently finding Sadhguru’s message most resonating. Ultimately, Sadhguru hopes simply sharing this transformative journey benefits others seeking life’s ultimate meaning and intrinsic fulfillment. Sadhguru's Views on God, Self-Development, and the Path to Inner Peace

