Recover Files After Factory Reset

3 minute read

Mobile Data Recovery

Your mobile phone’s performance is getting slower or has virus issues. Factory reset is one way to resolve these problems by wiping all installed apps, data and settings. However, this also deletes your personal files like photos, videos and documents. Fortunately, there are methods to recover photos after a factory reset on Android or iOS. Factory reset removes user data by overwriting file locations with new information. Not all files are immediately overwritten though. Using data recovery software scans the device storage and can retrieve files still intact in free space. Some software support over-the-air recovery as well via USB connection. Selecting your mobile device and starting a deep scan analyzes storage sectors to reconstruct lost partitions containing deleted files.

Cloud Backup Restoration

Major app stores like Google Play and App Store integrate cloud backup utilities. Photos and videos get automatically synced to a linked cloud account. Factory reset doesn’t affect this cloud data which remains accessible via the linked account. Signing into Google Photos retrieves images from the trash within 60 days. Similarly, iCloud photo streams restore camera rolls from iCloud backup on any iOS device. Ensure backing up to cloud regularly to take advantage of restoration post reset.

Local Storage Rescue

Mobile OS store backups locally on internal storage or external microSD card. Android Backup menu copies apps, contacts and files to local storage for restoration. After reset, navigate backup settings to “restore files from device storage”. Select the exact local backup archive matching device and restore deleted content. Transferring photos from microSD to computer preserves copies unaffected by internal storage resets.Copying backup folders back restores original image folders structure.

Social Network Recovery

Uploading personal media to social platforms like Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp creates additional copies. Factory reset only impacts device storage deleting direct access. Download photos and videos back from respective social feeds by logging into accounts. Share content with close friends as a temporary backup measure before planned device resets. Communicating intentions prevents data loss causing relationship issues.

File Tracing Via Connected Devices

Checking paired smartwatches, tablets, PCs and laptops helps trace erased files. Most recent photos and videos auto-sync across linked devices. Factory reset on one device doesn’t purge paired companions. Retrieving media is possible by viewing folders shared earlier between linked gadgets. Even disconnected devices hold dated file copies if USB cable transfers occurred recently before. Tracing all endpoints aids recovery limiting complete data destruction from internal storage wipes.

Data Recovery Service For Critical Needs

Although DIY options work well, specialized services ensure maximal file salvage. Mailing phones to certified labs equip experts to disassemble devices, carefully access raw memory chips through chip-off process. High-end examination tools and procedures reconstruct deleted folders beyond typical scanning limits. Critical situations like accidentalformats, malware attacks or irrecoverable system failure warrant professional help. While costly, data recoveryservices guarantee restoring maximum possible content in worst case scenarios.

Prevention Tips For Future

Periodic backups, preferably to multiple locations, become crucial considering data sensitivity. Dedicated backup drives, cloud subscriptions, and sharing with trusted contacts hedges against single point failures. Manual verification of copied files avoids relying solely on OS-level syncing. Maintaining dated file versions using revision control utilities like Dropbox enhances restoration options in emergencies. Formatting drives or performing factory resets require extra precautions, warnings and confirmation for irreversible actions. Safety measures implemented now save regrets later down the line by protecting precious memories and information stored digitally.


With the right mitigation strategies, factory resets need not entail complete data loss nightmares. Following recommended best practices guarantees safety net options for restoration depending on individual situations. While some deleted files cannot be recovered, majority content survives through discipline and planning. Leveraging cloud, local and even social backups optimizes regaining access to valuable personal media despite device refresh efforts. Recovery dependent on earlier created copies underlines proactive preparation importance. Recover Files After Factory Reset

