My Journey with Body Image and Confidence

3 minute read

Losing My Confidence in School

I was a very active teenager and played cricket for my school team. However, by age 17 I started gaining some weight and people started calling me names like “fat”. While this hurt me inside, I tried not to let the insults bother me. I continued exercising but it did not help me lose weight. This really started affecting my confidence.

Stress Takes Its Toll

During exam preparations, my food habits changed and I started gaining more weight. However, my priority was doing well in my exams. Then in 2014, my mother fell ill with tuberculosis meningitis and went into a coma. This was an extremely stressful time and I went through cycles of depression. My stress even disrupted my menstrual cycle. When she recovered, I had gained over 10 kilograms. I was later diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOD), which the doctor said was likely caused by the stress.

Dealing with Body Shaming

After gaining weight, I faced a lot of body shaming. My classmates would make rude comments about my eating. Relatives kept giving unsolicited advice to lose weight. Friends stopped inviting me to parties. Comments like “You’d look good if you lost a few pounds” became a daily occurrence. This really impacted my self-esteem and confidence in my body.

Learning to Accept Myself

It was hard coming to terms with my weight gain, as I couldn’t control it even though I tried to eat healthy and exercise. Over time, I’ve learned to push past the haters and focus on self-love. Now I aim to keep my weight and BMI in a healthy range through balanced nutrition and activity. While the journey isn’t over, I feel more confident in my own skin each day.

Struggles with Family

My family’s treatment of my weight really hurt my confidence growing up. My dad and sister would make rude comments about my body. I was constantly encouraged to have an eating disorder to lose weight. Even after weight loss success, insensitive remarks continued like it was a great way to drop pounds by having a heart attack. Pictures of me stopped being displayed at home out of “embarrassment”.

Finding Support and Making Changes

Five years ago, I decided to get healthier and signed up for a 5K. Through running training and a balanced diet, I was able to lose 45 pounds healthily without fad diets or disordered eating. My running times improved greatly which boosted my confidence. I went from a size 18 to size 10-12. While some family are still insensitive, my siblings now support me without body shaming. I continue working to be healthier for myself.

Learning to Love Myself

It has been a long journey since those teenage years of bullying and body shame took such a toll on my self-esteem. While some comments still hurt, over time I have learned to love my body for what it can do rather than what it looks like. True confidence comes from within, not from achieving some ideal weight or size. I am proud of how far I’ve come and continue focusing on healthier habits while accepting myself as I am.

Moving Forward With Positivity

Overall, I want to spread a message of self-love and body positivity. Comparing ourselves to unrealistic Instagram images only breeds unhappiness. Every body is unique and beautiful. Rather than getting caught up in numbers on a scale, focusing on fueling your body with nutrition, staying active in enjoyable ways and mentally taking good care of yourself are what really matter. I hope that by sharing my story, it can give hope and encouragement to others facing similar struggles. Lets support each other and move forward with positivity! My Journey with Body Image and Confidence

