My Journey with Astrology

3 minute read

Astrology has played an important role in shaping my life and perspective. What started as mere curiosity developed into a deeper understanding and appreciation for this ancient science. My journey with astrology so far can be divided into several phases.

Discovering My True Potential

Growing up, I was always fascinated by the rituals and discussions around astrology but never paid much attention. I was doing well in my career and life seemed fairly straightforward. However, things took a turn when an astrologer analyzed my horoscope and predicted difficulties during my sadhe-saati period. At first, his predictions manifested and I struggled with indecisiveness. But with time and reflection, I realized how my own belief and worrying were impacting me negatively. This was an eye-opener that made me question many assumptions and search deeply within myself.

Understanding Self and Circumstances

As I delved deeper into learning astrology through extensive reading and practice, I started gaining profound insights about my personality, behaviors, strengths and weaknesses. I began to see how various planetary combinations shaped different aspects of my life. This self-knowledge empowered me to overcome inner limitations and blossom into my full potential. Studying astrology also helped grasp how outer circumstances are simply a reflection of inner causes and we have the power to influence outcomes through our thoughts and actions.

Guiding Others on Their Journey

By thoroughly understanding my own chart, I gained tremendous clarity and confidence. Now I want to share this wisdom with others to enhance their lives. I provide personalized astrological consultations and use various astrological techniques like electional, horary and transit analysis to shed light on important life decisions. The immense fulfilment of seeing positive changes in people inspires me daily in this spiritual service. My goal is to sow seeds of self-knowledge and empowerment so that more embrace their inherent greatness.

An Evolving Perspective

While astrology illuminated various aspects of my path, my understanding of it continues evolving each day. What began as mere prediction of future events matured into seeing it as a mirror reflecting our inner state. I recognise now that free-will always outweighs destiny and we can skillfully navigate life’s challenges. Astrology is a compass, not a rod and true mastery lies in realising our inherent power to consciously create our reality. I’m grateful for all lessons in this ongoing journey of self-realisation. My relationship with astrology keeps deepening with openness to constantly refine old perceptions.

Sharing Inspiration and Impacting Lives

Witnessing positive transformations inspires me to share insights more widely. Recently, I started an astrological consultation website and social media pages to provide convenient access to people seeking guidance. It gives me joy to read comments from those who found new direction or healed inner blocks through my teachings. In future, I aspire to author books and create online courses integrating various wisdom traditions. My purpose is to impact as many lives as possible by igniting their inner light through knowledge of self. With renewed enthusiasm, I look forward to the fulfilling paths opening up each day in service of humanity.

An Eternal Quest for Truth

My journey with astrology so far has been illuminating yet it is only the beginning. An infinite ocean of knowledge awaits further exploration as my understanding expands wavelength. Going beyond surface level predictions, I want to delve deeper into unravelling cosmic mysteries and comprehending the grand design. As a seeker of eternal truths, this field offers limitless possibilities to grow in awareness. With open yet focused approach, I seek to realise higher potentials through diligent practice, study of scriptures and intuition. My quest for ultimate liberation continues with astrology as a guiding companion in the fascinating adventure of Self-realisation. My Journey with Astrology

