Living in California: Stories and Perspectives

2 minute read

Home and Family

I am a third-generation Californian who is a descendant of Texans and Arkansans who left for California during the Second Great Migration of African Americans leaving the South during the Jim Crow era. Both of my parents were born in the Bay Area and two of my grandparents were also born here. California has been my home and where my family settled for generations. While I appreciate the history and culture of Texas and Arkansas, this state truly feels like home.

Childhood Experiences

Growing up in public schools in California in the 1950s gave me unique experiences. Through an international teacher exchange program, I had the opportunity to learn from teachers from various countries like France, Germany, South America, and Native American lecturers. This exposed me to diverse cultures from a young age. Our classes also took field trips to museums, symphonies, and plays — giving me an early introduction to the arts. This helped shape me into a lifelong learner.

Passions and Interests

I have always been curious and interested in technology, science, and nature. Even from a young age I was tinkering with electronics, programming one of the earliest computers, and operating a ham radio to speak with other enthusiasts worldwide. This “nerdy” passion has stayed with me. I am also an avid explorer of California’s stunning natural attractions, having visited most of its national parks and monuments. The state continues to fuel my interests through opportunities to learn from experts in various fields.

Disasters and Recovery

Unfortunately like many others, I have also experienced loss from disasters here. Exactly four years ago today, I lost my home in Paradise along with 85 others in the devastating Camp Fire caused by utility negligence. The difficult journey of rebuilding has been ongoing. While disasters are painful, I am thankful to now have a safe place to call home once more in Northern California, surrounded by a supportive community committed to rising together from tragedy.

Retirement Life and Opportunities

Entering retirement, I have found California continues offering much. I live near family, have access to world-class arts, culture, food and drink. Local university programs give seniors affordable options to continue learning new subjects ranging from cosmology to digital art. Nearby nature remains a respite, and small conveniences like very fast internet connectivity enhance daily life. Most importantly, the values of freedom and diversity that this state represents are ones I hold dear. For these reasons, California will always be my home.

Comparison to Other States

While other states like Texas offer lower costs of living and a business friendly climate, California’s lifestyle appeals more to me personally. Here, doctrines of individual liberty and acceptance of all people are prioritized. I do not have to worry that the government will interfere with personal healthcare decisions or dictate which religious beliefs or relationships are acceptable. For those able to afford it, California’s opportunities to thrive are unmatched.


Everyone’s needs and priorities will differ, but for me California strikes the right balance. The higher expenses are worth it for the beauty, experiences, support networks and like-minded community I have found. Though change is always possible, for now, and perhaps for the remainder of my life, this state will continue to be my home. Its constant evolution sustains my own growth and inspires me daily to make the most of living here. Living in California: Stories and Perspectives

