Joining Merchant Navy as a Career - A Sailor’s Perspective

3 minute read

Life at Sea

Working at sea has always fascinated many, but being a sailor comes with its own unique challenges and opportunities. After spending over 25 years in the merchant navy, I have gained immense experience that I wish to share. Sailing gives you a front-row view of nature’s magnificent wonders like sunrises, sunsets, dolphins, whales and more. You travel worldwide and get exposed to diverse cultures.

Gaining Valuable Skills

Ship life teaches invaluable skills beyond your qualifications. You learn everything from first aid and firefighting to engine maintenance and operations. Adaptability is key as you work with varied nationalities in close quarters. Leadership skills are honed if you rise to be a Captain. Traits like discipline, responsibility and teamwork become second nature.

Career Progression

Seafaring offers rapid career growth. As an engine cadet, you can progress to Chief Engineer overseeing the propulsion plant. Or specialize in navigation to reach the rank of Master Mariner. With experience, promotions to higher ranks are relatively speedy through examinations. Starting salaries range from $2000-3000 monthly but senior officers command $10000-15000.

Exposure to Nature’s Majesty

Being at seaconnects you with nature in its glorious, unfettered form. Witness panoramic sunrise and sunsets, beautiful sea creatures like dolphins and whales, and a front-row view of Earth’s drama and mysteries that refresh the soul. You can travel the world without an air ticket, seeing lands, flora and fauna impossible to access otherwise.

Challenges of Readjusting Ashore

While the experiences gained are invaluable, readjusting to life ashore can prove tough. Honesty, punctuality and continuous growth mindset rewarded at sea seem less appreciated on land. Sailors have limited financial knowledge and face difficulties after retirement without the supportive ship environment. Maintaining personal relationships also poses a challenge.

Advice for Aspiring Sailors

Do thorough research before pursuing this career. Understand the job requirements, training periods involved and lifestyle adjustment required. Sailing is not for the faint-hearted given long periods away from family in an enclosed environment. However, for the adventurous and those seeking to broaden horizons, it offers unparalleled opportunities. With discipline and determination, seafaring can be a highly fulfilling lifelong profession.

The Voyage Ahead

Looking back at my journey, I have no regrets. The Merchant Navy opened my eyes to the vastness of our beautiful planet and diversity of humanity. While offshore stints were difficult initially, the experiences gained have enriched my life tremendously. My advice to upcoming generations is to cherish each day at sea, make the most of learning opportunities and prepare well for Life Beyond the Waves. The voyage ahead promises ever greater advancement for those willing to set sail.

A Unique Lifestyle with Plenty to Offer

Seafaring presents a singular lifestyle wholly different from any other career. Living and working on ships immerses one in a tight-knit maritime community with its own culture and idiosyncrasies. While isolating at times, it also fosters strong bonds of camaraderie among crews from overseas. The job scopes range from navigating vessels and monitoring cargo operations to maintaining mechanical systems and ensuring safety protocols. Sailors are thus constant learners who develop multi-skilled proficiency through ongoing learning-by-doing. Though demanding, life afloat stimulates continuous self-improvement when undertaken with passion and perseverance. Maritime jobs may not suit everyone but for those with a sense of adventure, fascination for the sea and zest for travelling, it could be an extremely enriching career path.

Life Lessons from the Waves

Beyond technical skills, seafaring nurtures important character attributes. Living away from families under challenging conditions develops independence, resilience and forging meaningful relationships becomes priority. Working multi-culturally teaches acceptance and mutual understanding. Sailing also inculcates discipline, responsibility, quick-thinking in emergencies - invaluable life lessons. After retirement, these qualities help former sailors adjust smoothly to new chapters ashore. While they may no longer wake to ocean sunrises, the experiences and wisdom gained will remain lifelong companions. Their maritime stories and friendships forged on the bounding main continue inspiring new generations of sailors. For anyone wanting to broaden horizons and gain holistic life enlightenment, the sea remains humanity’s greatest teacher.

A Heartfelt Message to Aspiring Sailors

To all those harbouring dreams of waves lapping hulls and far horizons beckoning - do not hesitate to set forth on this adventure. Preparation, diligence and passion will help you succeed where many may not. Cherish each moment, learn from fellow mariners and give your best at every station. Live with compassion for all aboard, courage to face storms within and without, and gratitude for opportunities the ocean bestows. This life may test your mettle at times but will surely inspire and strengthen your soul. May fair winds always fill your sails; may the tides of fortune carry you to safe harbours. Follow your star - the voyage awaits! Joining Merchant Navy as a Career - A Sailor's Perspective

