Figuring out What You Really Want to Do with Your Life

4 minute read

Discover Your Inner Passions

We’ve all experienced that moment where we feel lost and unsure about our career path or life direction. It’s easy to feel confused, stuck in a rut, or dissatisfied with where you currently are. However, there is hope. The first step is taking time for self-reflection to discover your inner passions.

Travel to Open Your Mind

Getting out of your normal environment and experiencing new cultures can help you gain new perspectives. Travel provides an opportunity to step outside your comfort zone and appreciate what you have back home in a new light. You may discover an alternative lifestyle that interests you more. Simply exposing yourself to different ways of living can spark ideas about possibilities you hadn’t considered. Make a point to travel, even if just short day trips nearby, as stepping out of routines opens your mind.

Explore Through Hobbies and Internships

Hobbies and short-term jobs allow you to dabble in various interests without a long-term commitment. This low-risk approach can help you identify potential career paths.

Gain Valuable Skills from an Internship

Interning provides a way to learn practical skills from people in different fields. You can directly observe various careers and decide what you may or may not want to pursue long-term. Talking to professionals also gives you honest industry insights invaluable for career decisions. Interning carries career benefits equal to or beyond those of more traditional routes.

Discover Passions Through New Hobbies and Activities

Taking up hobbies exposes you to interests you may have otherwise overlooked. Trying many activities increases chances of stumbling onto a hidden passion. A book club could inspire owning a bookstore or windsurfing may spark a desire to teach the sport abroad. Make an effort to sample experiences that may cultivate career clues.

Listen to Your Inner Voice

To determine fulfilling life directions, you must tune into internal guidance over external pressures.

Stop Feeling Guilty About Prioritizing Yourself

Caring for your own well-being and happiness does not make you selfish. When you excel as an individual, you contribute value to the world. Block out noise of those insisting you follow a pre-defined path, tune into and trust yourself.

Note Joy-Filled Moments for Insight

Spend quiet time daily reflecting on events sparking positive emotions. Keep notes on actions and circumstances elevating your mood. Over time, patterns will emerge connecting certain experiences to feelings of fulfillment. Your journal becomes a database revealing subconscious interests potentially indicating purpose.

Find Support Through Community

While self-reflection helps, surrounding yourself with supportive people enhances discovery.

Let Your Circle Know Your Journey

Inform close friends and family of your process to gain perspective and accountability. They generally want you to succeed and may offer encouragement or fresh ideas to consider. Having people invested in your goals keeps you motivated during challenging phases.

Take Inspiration From Stories of Others’ Journeys

Read biographies and follow blogs of individuals who faced similar crossroads but found their calling. Their transparent accounts demonstrate possibilities and that you too can overcome obstacles. Communal support boosts confidence to pursue opportunities sparking passion.

Assess Possibilities Systematically

To focus your search, systematically evaluate clues gathered through reflection, hobbies and community input.

Answer Self-Assessment Questions

Questions like “What did you dream to be as a child?” or “What makes time fly while doing an activity?” help uncover archived passions or current interests. Evaluate responses dispassionately for consistent themes potentially pointing toward fulfilling life directions.

Consider “What If” Scenarios Without Limitations

Imagine having no barriers - what would you do then? Remove limiting self-beliefs to contemplated paths considered via assessment questions. Exciting daydreams untethered from doubts can provide directional inspiration worth further exploration. Assess possibilities without immediately dismissing any.

Listen for Clues in Favorites and Resonating Fields

Paying attention to preferences and interests resonating deepest offers directional hints.

Note Consistent Favorite Subjects, Genres and Topics

Your tastes repeatedly drawn to specific fields, whether types of hobbies, stories or college majors, contain messages about inherent inclinations. While interests alone may not dictate careers, they indicate aligning values deserving investigation.

Resonate With or Toward Certain Industries

Do documentaries on environmentalism stir your soul or does medical research fascinate you? Noting industries that consistently capture your interest or that call you to positively change or contribute provide clues about purpose. Follow resonance as an internal compass.

Construct Goals for Testing Suitability

After identifying potentially fulfilling paths, construct actionable goals to evaluate suitability in practice before committing.

Start Very Small to Ensure Success

Beginning with modest objectives establishes momentum. For example, rather than vowing to run a marathon, commit to walking 30 minutes daily. Easy initial wins inspire continued progress.

Maintain Flexibility Throughout Assessment

View goals as experiments versus set destinations, remaining open to altering course if a direction doesn’t deliver the expected benefits or fulfillment upon implementation. Rigidity defeats the purpose of assessment and growth.

Stay Open and Patient Through the Journey

Discovering your true calling takes time, courage and willingness to course-correct when needed. Staying mindfully present speeds discovery.

Seek Progress Over Perfection on the Path

Rather than pressuring yourself, celebrate small steps and lessons learned along this developmental expedition. Positive growth mindset serves you better than harsh self-criticism.

Trust Inner Wisdom Over External Judgment

While appreciating others’ input, only your internal guidance ultimately knows your authentic needs. With open-minded patience, you will realize your purpose through dedicated self-reflection, research and trial experiences. Stay determined yet flexible throughout the illuminating process. The most important thing is keeping an open and curious mind and heart. With effort and compassion for yourself, you will discover or create work providing deep fulfillment and through which you thrive and contribute value. Your true calling awaits within, kindly tended over time through dedicated inner listening and brave outward living. The rewards will be finding your raison d’être. Figuring out What You Really Want to Do with Your Life

