Culture Shock Abroad

2 minute read

Misconceptions at Homeland Security

As an American living in the UK, returning home to visit family often resulted in questioning by Homeland Security. One visit saw hours of interrogating about how I could possibly live abroad when America is the land of freedom. They seemed baffled that someone would choose to leave, assuming I must be held against my will or seeking asylum. maps were studied trying to locate the UK near Austria, showing a lack of geographical knowledge about a close ally.

Baffling Conversations with Strangers

Interacting with strangers abroad could also raise eyebrows. In Thailand, an American making assumptions based on appearance led to a confusing dialogue. From debating nationality to questioning language skills, it seemed unbelievable that someone could be bilingual or have a mixed cultural background. Modern concepts of an international upbringing were hard to comprehend.

Explaining Life Abroad

Back at home, questions often centered around why live overseas rather than in the US. It was tough to convey the appeal of new experiences in contrasting cultures like the UK. studying abroad, working internationally, and gaining a global perspective were motivating factors largely unknown to those lacking passport stamps. Opportunities for travel, education, and career advancement abroad hold value beyond what some imagine confined to their home country.

Challenging Preconceived Ideas

Interacting with foreigners challenged preconceived notions of what lifestyle choices seem logical or possible. Living abroad long-term defied expectations that the US offers the most freedom or opportunity. Returning frequently kept ties to family strong while maintaining an overseas residence, an arrangement hard to fathom for those viewing the world in black and white. Exposing others to different realities broadened views, though sometimes resulted in questioning one’s motivations or loyalties rather than open-minded discussion.

Cultural Exchange Benefits Society

However, cross-cultural contact enriches communities when viewpoints are shared respectfully. Travel gives a window into diverse realities that shape global citizens. Friendships formed internationally foster understanding between allies. When questioning stems from curiosity rather than judgement, conversations raise awareness of opportunities beyond borders. An internationally mobile population promotes the cultural exchange essential for promoting peace in an interconnected world.

Gaining New Perspectives

Overall, venturing overseas expands horizons even while maintaining family connections at home. Returning regularly satisfies the desire to experience familiar comforts of place and people, yet residence abroad satiates the thrill of navigating unfamiliar cultures. Both satisfy different needs that together cultivate an appreciation for diversity. While interactions abroad sometimes encounter beliefs hard to shift, each new perspective gained helps promote an inclusive worldview. Culture Shock Abroad

