Coming to Terms with Being an Ordinary Person

3 minute read

Accepting our ordinariness allows us to find fulfillment and make a positive impact. While society often glamorizes fame and exceptionalism, the truth is that our shared humanity is far more meaningful. This content explores how to appreciate life’s simple pleasures and everyday contributions, no matter one’s perceived “specialness.”

Ordinary Lives Still Have Value

There is nothing wrong with being ordinary. In reality, most people are. Those in the spotlight often long to escape it for normalcy. Considering everyone’s virtues, each person has unique talents, even if unrecognized. Comparing ourselves to others promotes unhappiness. Instead, focus on cultivating inner peace and self-worth through living purposefully.

Our Natural Duties

The Bhagavad Gita teaches that it is better to follow one’s inherent lifestyle and duties than pretend to be something else. Our greatness lies in honestly fulfilling what comes naturally. While aspirations are noble, artificial roles borrowed from others often lead to distress. Have you asked what truly brings you joy and meaning, on however small a scale? Those intimate rewards are what make a life extraordinary.

Unheralded Impacts

Even those whose talents don’t stand out leave subtle yet profound marks. Think of your grandmama - as ordinary as anyone, yet the stabilizing force for countless lives. Each person influences others in unseen ways. Make the most of everyday connections through compassionate living. Your small steps of goodness are surely impacting someone, somewhere, in an extraordinary manner.

Find Joy in Life’s Simplicities

Rather than longing for fame, appreciate life’s humble pleasures. What stirs feelings of appreciation in you - nature, family, acts of service? When fully present, even mundane tasks carry divine purpose. The satisfaction of a job well done uplifts spirit. A caring word brightens someone’s day. Mindfully savoring life’s moments is where true fulfillment resides.

Living Consciously

If we quiet inner chatter, a profound peace emerges from simply being alive. Your conscious experience is singularly precious. Each breath connects you to existence’s grandeur, regardless of worldly definitions of special. Gaze through compassionate eyes, and you see humanity’s shared divinity. Make the most of your time as creation’s witness.

Small Deeds, Great Rewards

Greatness can be found in daily responsibilities carried out with care, conscience and grace. At life’s end, what truly matters are loving relationships built and dignity maintained - not accolades. Build community through heartfelt acts of service. Lift others higher through compassion. Your small kindnesses leave indelible prints. Is this not a magnificent way to spend a life, however ordinary it may seem?

Gain Perspective Through Adversity

Struggles often reveal life’s deepest lessons. Illness teaches gratitude for wellness. A loved one’s passing shows the true value of each embrace. Hardship places small frustrations in proper perspective. Face difficulties with courage, and come to see yourself - as all people fundamentally are - as extraordinarily resilient. Your sensitivity and wisdom will deepen with every challenge overcome.

Our Shared Humanity

When laid low, we realize our common vulnerability. Sickness dismantles pretense, uniting patients levelly as sufferers. Though fears and frailties differ, within each person beats a heart identical to our own. Difficult periods foster profound empathy. We all simply desire happiness and wish harm upon no other. This radical solidarity is life’s greatest miracle.

Growth Through Patience

Healing takes time. Pain’s lessons sink in gradually as emotions calm. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi said progress occurs through incremental betterment. After storms pass, focus returns to nourishing relationships, contributing however possible, and finding meaning even amid limitation. Each small victory lifts spirit. Patience along the journey breeds wisdom and compassion.

Leave Your Unique Legacy

Regardless of worldly stature, you imprint the universe distinctively through living conscientiously. At life’s end, smile at a job superbly fulfilled according to your nature and means. Though name unknown to many, your authentic ,impact continues spawning goodness long after. Each person plays indispensible role in creation’s magnificence. Seek to enrich community through heartfelt expressions of your genuine self. Your days leave indelible, eternal mark. Is this not the highest virtue? Accept your intrinsic preciousness, then dedicate your one irreplaceable life to benevolent service. Herein lies extraordinary fulfillness for ordinary souls. Coming to Terms with Being an Ordinary Person

