Being Open and Honest about Sexuality with Children

3 minute read

The Importance of Factual Information

Sexual development is a natural part of growing up. However, not providing children with accurate information can lead them to form misconceptions or feel ashamed about their changing bodies. As a parent, it is important to talk to children in an age-appropriate way and encourage open communication.

Demystifying Puberty through Education

Sharing factual knowledge with children at an early age helps normalize discussions about sexuality. When one parent talked to their four-year-old son about how “mamas and babas were designed to fit together” using a simple Lego analogy, it satisfied the child’s curiosity without discomfort. As he grew older, they continued having age-appropriate conversations. By the time puberty arrived, he already understood what changes to expect due to their ongoing education about human anatomy and reproduction.

Dispelling Myths Learned from Peers

Not explaining sexuality risks children learning inaccurate information from friends. One child would return home fascinated yet disturbed by the outlandish theories of human reproduction circulated at school. His parent, who had ensured he knew the facts, could then clarify any misconceptions. Open discussion prevents kids from being misled by rumors or feeling too embarrassed to ask questions as bodily changes occur.

Guiding Children to Reliable Sources of Information

With the rise of the internet, children now have greater exposure to explicit content at younger ages. However, pornography often presents distorted and unrealistic depictions of sexuality that can influence developing attitudes. As a responsible parent, it is important to have frank discussions about these issues before curiosities lead kids online.

Making an Agreement to Ask First

One concerned mother talked to her son about the types of videos some individuals post merely for attention. They made a pact that he would ask her before googling anything private, as sometimes Internet images do not accurately reflect real intimacy. With open lines of communication established early on, the child felt comfortable coming to his parent as puberty brought more questions.

Additionally, these talks addressed how sex is a natural part of adulthood but must only happen between consenting individuals. Explaining concepts like consent early prepares children for navigating relationships as teens. It can also spark discussions about respecting bodily autonomy and preventing unhealthy attitudes like slut-shaming from forming.

Supporting Children through Physical Changes

The body’s transformation during puberty can cause discomfort, so parents must provide sympathetic guidance. One family eased this transition by previously ensuring their autistic son comprehended reproduction from observing the mating behavior of their pet dogs. Being able to relate animal instincts to the human experience helped normalize what his changing form indicated.

Acknowledging Alternative Family Structures

Complete openness also involves acknowledging diverse forms of conception. The same child reacted with interest rather than confusion when told he was conceived through in-vitro fertilization (IVF) due to initially finding the “facts don’t fit what I was taught” funny rather than distressing. Families formed through nontraditional methods deserve acceptance from a young age.

Maintaining Trust allows for Difficult Discussions

Built on a foundation of honesty, parents who make sexuality an ongoing, judgement-free discussion ultimately have greater success guiding children during vulnerable periods. One father remains able to engage his seven-year-old son in conversations about puberty, anatomy and relationships precisely because communication had been established from the start rather than introducing taboos.


Providing accurate information respects that developing curiosity, individuality and intimacy are natural human experiences. As long as guidance is given with nuance, empathy and care for a child’s wellbeing, speaking openly helps demystify physical changes and sexuality. It also empowers kids to make informed choices as they grow into adults navigating relationships, consent and their own bodies. Overall communication facilitates strong, trusting parent-child bonds throughout childhood and beyond. Being Open and Honest about Sexuality with Children

