Ancient Internet and Satellite: What if Mahabharata had modern tech?

5 minute read

Abhimanyu on Quora

Abhimanyu was knowledgeable yet curious to learn more. During the chauthal of Sri Krishna, Arjuna withheld the knowledge of entering and exiting the Chakravyuha formation from Abhimanyu. Left with partial information, Abhimanyu faced difficulties in the battlefield. Had Quora existed during those times, perhaps the young warrior would have benefitted from community knowledge to learn strategic moves by asking questions to military strategy experts and fellow warriors. With complete information, the outcome of Abhimanyu vs Kauravas may have been different.

Bal Ganesh on Zomato

Food was of utmost importance in ancient epics, with lavish community feasts highlighting key events. Bal Ganesh, known for his hearty appetite, would have loved modern conveniences like food delivery apps. Imagining the child god browsing Zomato for his favorite dishes and finding the best rated street food stalls and restaurants delivering lip-smacking food with a single tap - all while expanding his stomach would bring a smile. Ganesh Ji would have surely rated outlets generously for pleasing his palate.

Bheem on YouTube

The mightiest of the Pandavas, Bheem was renowned for his superhuman strength and insatiable appetite. With YouTube in those times, the powerful wrestler could have found exciting workouts and weightlifting tutorials to stay fit. Videos of his incredible feats like defeating Bakasura would have gone viral, garnering millions of views and comments praising his prowess. Youngsters may have gotten inspired to develop brute strength watching Bheem’s inspiring transformations on YouTube.

Ayodhyavasis’ online petition

After being exiled unfairly for 14 years due to conspiracies in the court, Sri Ram along with Sita and Lakshman reached the forests of Dandakaranya. Seeing their beloved king thrown out of his own kingdom would have broken the hearts of Ayodhya citizens. They may have created an online petition on requesting the king to bring Ram Rajya back, attracting millions of signatures in support of justice for Maryada Purushottam Sri Ram. The online campaign could have pressurized Dashrath and changed the course of events.

Nal Neel on WikiHow

Nal and Neel were talented architects who skilfully constructed the magnificent city of Lanka for Ravana. With their expertise in civil engineering and architecture, they may have been famous authors on WikiHow explaining step-by-step how to design structures using tools available during Treta Yug. Wonderful informative articles by the duo on building castles, temples and marvels like the Ashtavinayak in a easy-to-understand format would have been a boon for generations of builders.

Eye Specialist for Dhritarashtra

Being born blind, Dhritarashtra faced difficulties related to vision impairment. In those times, he may have come across an eye doctor’s WikiHow guide on vision therapy detailing simple eye exercises that could have improved his partial vision over time with dedication. The King of Hastinapur finding ways to overcome his disability and regain sight even marginally through modern medical knowledge would have been inspirational for many facing physical challenges.

Vishwamitra Smitten by Menaka

When the beautiful apsara Menaka was deputed by Indra to distract the meditating Rishi Vishwamitra, little did she know she would lose her heart to him instead. Their romantic tale could have played out differently had social media existed then. Imagining the illustrious sage sharing poetry for his muse on Twitter or professing his love via romantic Instagram posts brings a smile. With open cyber communication, their separation may have been avoided, changing the course of history itself.

Krishna updates his Status

Youth icon Krishna was a trendsetter who enthralled everyone with his mischievous pranks, dance moves, and above all, wisdom. On Facebook in yugas past, the charming lover of Radha would have shared funny reels and photos from his escapades. His inspirational statuses speaking of life lessons, the philosophy of non-violence and devotion to one’s duties would have garnered millions of likes and comments, making him the most followed personality of Bharat varsh at the time.

Bajarangbali’s selfie

The monkey god Hanuman is revered for his unparalleled devotion and strength. As an eternal social media enthusiast, he likely would have been clicking amazing selfies during his journey to the mountain of medicines and while fighting mighty demons in Lanka. When not posting jaw-dropping adventure pictures, his Instagram highlights reel summarizing achievements like lifting the Sanjeevani parvat would have left netizens amazed at his superhuman abilities and perseverance. Bajarangbali’s trending hashtags would have included #JaiBajrangbali.

Kumbhakaran’s WhatsApp

The younger brother of Ravana, Kumbhakaran was known for his gargantuan size and deep hibernation. If WhatsApp groups existed back then, this gentle yet giant soul would definitely be part of cookie enthusiast circles exchanging new baking recipes. Perhaps he may also oversee strategy groups plotting attacks against evil forces with siblings Vibhishan and Ravana. Whenever waking from long slumbers, kind-hearted Kumbhakaran’s good morning messages in groups must have brightened everyone’s day!

Narad Muni booking flights

The divine sage Narad Ji was a traveller who delighted in spreading spiritual knowledge across worlds. As an intergalactic jetsetter, he likely would have been a frequent flyer browsing travel sites for the cheapest flights. Booking trips to all holy shrines, mystical kingdoms and his many ashram visits in advance through portals like MakeMyTrip, the dynamic messenger would have enjoyed maximum comfort. Narad Ji’s reviews of destinations and places to eat at would have been most insightful for voyagers.

Shravan’s story going viral online

Shravan Kumar who shouldered his blind parents selflessly embodied filial piety. When his heartbreaking sacrifice became public on emotional Facebook pages and blogs, it may have resonated strongly with many. Comments thanking him for being an inspiration in caring for elders could have come from around the world. Shravan’s life lessons of selfless duty, compassion and following dharma despite difficulties becoming trending online may have touched billion hearts worldwide, motivating people to value family bonds.

The ogress sister of Ravana, Surpnakha was infamous for her lustful advances towards Rama and Lakshmana in the forest. After facing humiliation and disfiguration, had Google existed in Treta Yuga she likely would have looked up ways to get plastic surgery to restore her lost beauty. Perhaps internet research may have also led Surpnakha to seek spiritual counselling websites to find inner peace and let go of vain pursuits, changing her intentions from vengeance to acquiring divine qualities befitting her royal position.

Vibhishan’s Tweet

The strategically brilliant yet humble Vibhishan was Ravana’s youngest and most pious brother. Disagreeing with demonic actions, he likely would have tweeted requesting Ravana to return Sita honourably instead of escalating war. His eloquent yet emotional posts speaking of dharma, non-violence appealing to his brother’s conscience may have prevented much bloodshed if gone viral. Seeing public support for Vibhishan’s virtuous stand, Ravana may have listened to wisdom and peace prevailed through the power of social media. I hope this coherent multi-part content provided an imaginative perspective on how ancient epics could have played out differently with modern communication platforms existent during those times. Please let me know if you need any other details or have additional feedback. Ancient Internet and Satellite: What if Mahabharata had modern tech?

