A Student’s Perspective on Royal Global University

2 minute read

Setting High Expectations

Royal Global University promised world-class infrastructure and facilities based on the reputation of its sister institutions. The modern campus facilities and air-conditioned hostels created an image of a high-tech university equipped with all amenities. Students were drawn to its claims of inviting renowned guest speakers and focusing on quality education. However, appearances can be deceiving as one student would come to find out.

Rigid Schedule Leaves No Flexibility

Upon arriving for the first semester, students discovered a highly structured daily schedule that left little room for rest or independent study. Classes were scheduled from 9am to 5pm with lengthy breaks in between, yet students were required to remain on campus. Attempts to quietly study in hostels during breaks were thwarted by strict monitoring. The long hours sitting idle each day soon took a toll on students’ mental wellbeing and productivity.

Hostel Rules Treat Students Like Children

The gender-biased curfew rules in girls’ hostels were especially demoralizing. Basic freedoms like going out for lunch were barred under the guise of protecting cultural values. When one student dared to discreetly enjoy non-vegetarian food off-campus, she was publicly scolded by security. The humiliating confrontation left her feeling punished rather than respected as a paying student.

Sacrificing Student Needs for Publicity Stunts

During festivals, students faced further hardship when administration evicted them from rooms for two weeks to accommodate guests. Pleas for flexible accommodation fell on deaf ears. The money-minded vice-chancellor callously dismissed students’ exam preparations, prioritizing image over welfare. His self-serving attitude became increasingly clear.

Subpar Education Despite High Fees

While infrastructure may have seemed impressive on paper, the quality of teaching did not match advertised standards. Inexperienced lecturers struggled to engage students, and did not last long under the stressful management. Scarce holidays made it difficult to recharge between grueling examination cycles. Students questioned whether exorbitant tuition justified such mediocre education.

Forced Involvement Betrays Inner Workings

Even festivals meant for enjoyment became chores under obligation. Mandatory attendance-taking at events betrayed the commercial rather than communal spirit of the administration. Students saw through façades of caring for their holistic growth, realizing the university’s true priority was profit above all else.

An Unworthy Experience Best Avoided

In concluding, this student strongly advises others to reconsider Royal Global University. While infrastructure may impress, the toxic culture of rigid control, neglecting welfare, and prioritizing money over morals make it an unsuitable choice. Prospective students deserve honest transparency on inner workings shaping their university experience, to make informed choices on where best to invest their time and tuition. A Student's Perspective on Royal Global University

