My Favorite Dance Songs and the Memories They Bring

3 minute read

Dance songs have a way of lifting our spirits and taking us back to fond memories of the past. These tunes never fail to get our feet moving and bring smiles to our faces. Here are some of my all-time favorite dance tracks and the stories behind them.

Uplifting Pop Anthems from the 90s

The Spice Girls forever changed the pop landscape in the late 1990s with their insanely catchy single “Wannabe.” Its upbeat melody and empowering lyrics about girl power made it an anthem for a generation. To this day, I still find myself dancing around whenever I hear those opening notes. It never fails to brighten my mood on a low day. Their colorful music videos were also hugely inspirational—showing young women and girls that they could be confident and iconic just how they were.

A Guilty Pleasure K-pop Hit

TXT’s “Runaway” is one track I just can’t seem to get enough of. Its hype dance beat and rousing chorus get me moving every time. As a longtime K-pop fan, I appreciate how the genre pushes boundaries with innovative music videos and slick choreography. Something about “Runaway” in particular always puts me in a celebratory mood. It reminds me of dance parties with friends where we’d sing and dance our hearts out without a care in the world. K-pop continues gaining worldwide popularity for good reason—it’s just pure joyous fun.

Memories from the Dance Floor

Nothing gets a party started like The Pointer Sisters’ iconic disco jam “I’m So Excited.” Its exhilarating rhythms and vocals were made for dancing. Back in my younger club-going days, this was one song you could always count on getting the whole dance floor moving. My coworkers used to joke that I was “Showtime” because I’d light up whenever we’d hear it. Even now, it transports me right back to carefree nights out with friends, feeling alive and confident in the pulsing crowd. Disco classics like this never seem to get old—they’re timeless reminders of good times.

Bringing Back High School Nostalgia

J-Hope’s “Chicken Noodle Soup” featuring Becky G will forever hold a special place in my heart for the wave of nostalgia it brings. As a shy high schooler, I wasn’t the most confident dancer. But something about this song’s fun, bouncy beat just made me want to cut loose. I have vivid memories of dancing alone in my room to it for hours, freestyling and not caring how silly I looked. Fast forward to today, and it still puts a big smile on my face. The remnants of teenage awkwardness fade away as I’m transported back to simpler times. Collaborations like this remind us that dance can be joyful self-expression at any age.

A Guilty Pleasure with Substance

More recently, I’ve been rocking out to Doja Cat’s “Woman.” At face value, it’s an unabashedly sexy club banger—but listen a little closer and you’ll find an empowering message of embracing one’s sexuality on their own terms. Doja has a real knack for crafting chart-topping earworms with layers of meaning. Living in a world that still judges women’s autonomy over their bodies, it’s refreshing to see artists like her boldly owning their desires unapologetically. Through fast beats and intimate lyrics, she spreads a message of confidence that I believe is sorely needed. It’s a joy to dance to a song that also gets your mind going.

Memories with Friends, Old and New

No playlist of mine would be complete without Beyoncé’s “Halo.” Its airy vocals and gradual build make it perfect for intimate dances with friends. Some of my fondest memories involve impromptu dance parties in our college dorm, taking turns choosing our favorite songs. Beyoncé’s music in particular was magical for bonding over. Fast forward to now, and “Halo” remains just as meaningful for dance sessions over video chat with friends throughout the country. Music has a way of transcending distance and time to strengthen the bonds of community. Dancing to songs that hold memories allows us to feel closer even when apart.

A Feel-Good Classic

Last but not least is The Pointer Sisters’ “I’m So Excited.” It never fails to lift my mood no matter how many times I’ve heard it. Something about its effervescent rhythm and delivery is just contagiously joyful. During stressful times at my old job, sneaking off to dance alone in the break room to this song helped recharge my batteries. Even now, it serves as an instant pick-me-up. Disco brought so much vibrant energy and fun to music—a feeling we could all use more of these days. Classics like this show that a good dance party is the ultimate stress reliever and spirit booster. My Favorite Dance Songs and the Memories They Bring

