Managing Attention Seekers and Prioritizing Your Own Needs

3 minute read

Understanding Attention Seekers

People who constantly seek attention usually have low self-esteem and lack confidence in themselves. They rely on getting approval and attention from others to feel worthy. ### Attention seeking behavior emotional validation There are a few characteristics of individuals who often crave attention. They will do anything to be the center of focus, oversharing personal details about their life. While they may appear sensitive on the surface, their core motivation is shallow - to have eyes on them. They lack a strong sense of identity and change who they are based on who they’re with. Pleasing others becomes the central priority rather than self-actualization.

Setting Healthy Boundaries

If you find yourself drained after interacting with an attention seeker, it’s important to establish boundaries. Do not disclose private information you aren’t comfortable sharing so widely. Keep conversations surface level without getting pulled into deep discussions that feed their need. Be concise in your responses and find an excuse to exit the interaction if they attempt to monopolize your time and energy. ### Tactful boundaries attention seeking relationships
Learning to say “no” will also benefit you. Do not feel obligated to respond to excessive texts, calls or invitations if you have other priorities that day. Make your limits clear upfront so there are not any misunderstandings. While it may be uncomfortable at first, maintaining boundaries is essential for protecting your well-being long-term. Their reactions are not your responsibility. Stay true to taking care of your own needs first.

Create Distance If Needed

If setting limits does not improve the situation and they continue taxing behaviors, more distance may be needed. Do not engage with them one-on-one as often, and avoid situations where they can single you out. Spend time with other acquaintances as well to avoid their complete focus being on you. You get to decide how much interaction works for your schedule and energy levels. ### Creating space from draining attention seeking relationships mental health In severe cases where their actions cause significant mental strain, reducing or removing contact may be best. Do not JADE (justify, argue, defend or explain). A simple “I need to focus on myself right now” is sufficient. While distancing may feel harsh, your mental health should take priority. With time and space, their attention will shift elsewhere naturally. You owe it to yourself to spend energy on people who enrich your life rather than deplete it.

Stay True to Yourself

When establishing limits or creating space, people pleasers may struggle with feelings of guilt. But try remembering that constantly sacrificing yourself to appease others leaves no room for self-care. By prioritizing your needs, you are better able to show up fully for all your relationships. ### ** Self care boundaries self actualization personal fulfillment** Stay connected with who you are at your core - not who others want or expect you to be. Confidence comes from within, not from the approval of any single person. You deserve to spend your time and energy on pursuits that nourish your soul. While others may not understand your new limits initially, stick by healthy choices that allow you to be your best self. In time, they will respect the boundaries or move on, leaving you in a more empowered mindset.


Paying attention to how interactions make you feel is key to establishing a balance. While a caring, empathetic approach is ideal, some relationships may inadvertently promote codependency or diminish your well-being over time. Prioritizing your needs through assertive communication of limits or distancing is not selfish - it is simply self-care. Stay true to honoring what energizes and inspires you most. ### Self care relationships boundaries mental health
With practice, setting boundaries gets easier. Surround yourself with people who appreciate you for who you are, not what you can offer them. In valuing yourself, you develop the confidence to disengage from draining dynamics while still maintaining compassion. Overall well-being depends on honoring your boundaries each day. Managing Attention Seekers and Prioritizing Your Own Needs