My Journey of Transformation

3 minute read

An Unraveling Life

I grew up in a loving home where I never lacked anything. However, I was spoiled and never learned important life skills like perseverance and self-discipline. Though I was intelligent and creative, graduating high school with good grades, I had no plan for the future. I drifted through different schools and cities, always relying on my parents’ financial support. Throughout my teens and twenties, I drank heavily and increasingly. I became a pack-a-day smoker as well. Convinced normal employment wasn’t for me, I applied for and received welfare benefits after graduating. I later went on permanent disability due to worsening depression and anxiety. My mental health issues were exacerbated by recurrent bouts of drunkenness and awful hangovers. I had wonderful times with friends but also terrible lows when alone. Unable to maintain relationships, I engaged in reckless one-night stands, totaling hundreds of anonymous partners. I also drove drunk multiple times and miraculously avoided accidents or legal consequences. In 1999, I tested positive for HIV, believing my life was over and desperately wanting to die. The following two years are a dark blur of constant intoxication.

A Path Emerges from the Darkness

In early 2001, my remaining friends staged an intervention and convinced me to seek treatment for alcoholism. I knew I could no longer continue as before yet lacked the courage to end my own life. Deep down, I realized I wasn’t meant to waste away and perish miserably. I started attending AA meetings regularly and connecting with the wonderful fellowship of people in recovery. My physical health improved almost immediately. While living with HIV treatment and management, my condition became manageable with a normal life expectancy. How thankful I am to have changed course when I did! I quit smoking in 2008 after attaining sobriety. Most importantly, I’ve stayed alcohol-free for over 20 years now.

Building a Foundation for Healing

I still struggle with depression and anxiety, but am able to properly address my mental health challenges now. Through intense personal work exploring childhood trauma from bullying, I gained deeper self-understanding. I educate myself on positive coping strategies like yoga, deep breathing, and mindfulness. With support, I developed skills for daily functioning within society. I hold a part-time job and pay bills responsibly. Experiencing life fully with compassion for others has been life-changing compared to my isolated, drinking days. Sharing what I’ve learned bringing much fulfillment; it feels good helping others through recovery too. I’ve built caring relationships, reconnecting with family and finding intimacy. Joy comes from experiencing adventures freely without fear of disgracing myself. Police stops are anxiety-free knowing I stay sober living. What an about-face from wishing for death; I’m thankful for each day.

Thriving After Rock Bottom

On June 6th, 2007 at age 33, my destructive patterns reached an absolute nadir. I landed in jail for drink-driving and probation breach, facing five years imprisonment. My world collapsed simultaneously - a breakup, losing custody of my daughter, no job, maxed credit, and $40k of IRS debt. Every aspect of my being was bankrupt. Through good fortune, I avoided incarceration by attending rehab then five years of probation, released after just two. It was in jail I decided to turn my life around permanently. I took responsibility for past wrongs, accepted things I couldn’t change, and committed to living with integrity. Now happily remarried to my former girlfriend, we co-parent my daughter with my ex-wife. I have three other beautiful children too. I paid off all IRS debt with interest and rebuilt excellent credit. Homeownership and a growing career followed. Most importantly, over eleven years have passed without Alcohol or drugs. Anyone can transform no matter how far they’ve fallen. It requires diligence but the rewards last a lifetime. I now help others defeat addiction, financial troubles, divorce, mental health issues, and suicidal thoughts to live exceptionally well. My Journey of Transformation