The Story of Mark Grayson, the Invincible

5 minute read

A Kind and Moral Young Man

Mark Grayson has always demonstrated himself to be a kind and moral person both in his civilian life and as the superhero Invincible. As a teenager, he maintains a respectful relationship with his mother despite the occasional tensions that arise, which is normal for a boy his age. He looks up to his father Nolan and spends time with him regularly before learning the truth about Nolan’s origins and true nature. Mark has good friendships as well, especially with his best friend William. The two boys enjoy spending time together. He also had a girlfriend, Amber, though they broke up when she felt he did not trust her with his secret identity as Invincible, not because of any mistreatment on Mark’s part. Their relationship was caring on both sides.

A Developing Superhero

Even as his powers were still emerging, Mark showed signs of his immense strength. He could throw objects like baseballs and trash bags across continents with ease. In the gym, he comfortably lifted weights that would crush ordinary humans. And yet through it all, he maintained his gentle spirit. When facing enemies, Mark focused on resolution through non-violence whenever possible. He helped the local community with smaller crimes as willingly as the major threats assigned by his mentor Cecil. No one was beyond redemption in his eyes. This outlook set him apart from his father, who embraced violence more readily.

Coping with Traumatic Revelations

The revelation that his father was actually a conquering alien from the planet Viltrum broke Mark’s world. Nolan had long concealed his true nature and goals. During their brutal battle, Mark’s compassion shone through even as he fought for his life. He refused to kill his father, hoping to find another solution. In the aftermath, Mark struggled to come to terms with his broken family and the lies of his past. But his good heart remained intact. He forgave his father, seeing that Nolan also struggled with his primal Viltrumite instincts versus his love for his son. Their relationship, though forever altered, took on a new understanding.

Growing in Strength and Wisdom

As Mark matured into adulthood, he grew exponentially in power to match his moral core. Some of his most impressive early feats included throwing a baseball around the world and surviving devastating battles that leveled mountains. He defeated formidable foes like Conquest who once bested even Nolan. Mark’s compassion helped him make wise choices even in his greatest tribulations. He refused to kill civilians or lose control of his rage, distinguishing himself from other Viltrumites. Through patience and nonviolence, he was able to resolve conflicts that would have escalated into bloodshed in other heroes’ hands. His approach saved countless lives.

Becoming the Strongest of His Kind

Surpassing His Viltrumite Peers

By his late teens, Mark had surpassed most other Viltrumites in raw power and skill. He took on swarms of young Viltrumite soldiers almost effortlessly. No blows seemed to harm him as he grew resistant to extremes of temperature, atmospheric pressure, energy blasts and physical trauma that would kill lesser beings. In single combat, Mark bested opponents that had overwhelmed his father, like the alien warlord Allen the Alien. He also matched the legendary Grand Regent Thragg in battle, coming closer to defeating him than any other. By his early 20s, Mark was acknowledged as the strongest Viltrumite to have ever lived.

Mental and Emotional Growth

As Mark’s physical prowess increased, so did his mental faculties and emotional intelligence. He learned from his mistakes and the examples of both good and flawed mentors. Mark developed a sophisticated moral code focused on nonviolence and redemption wherever possible. This set him apart from most Viltrumites, who followed a creed of pure mightmakesright. Mark believed in understanding different perspectives and resolving conflicts peacefully if able. He became a gifted diplomat and strategist, applying compassion even to geopolitical crises between planets.

A Vision of Hope

Mark came to see himself not just as the most powerful living being, but as a symbol of hope for peaceful coexistence between disparate species and ideologies. He believed that through open-mindedness and good faith, even longstanding enemies could become allies. In time, Mark’s influence gradually reformed the conqueror-minded Viltrumite Empire towards more benevolent goals. Under his guidance, they abandoned oppression and focused on protecting the wider universe through diplomacy and cooperation. Mark had truly become the hero he aspired to be - a champion of empathy, nonviolence and unity above all.

The Legacy of Invincible

A Bright Future for Earth

With Mark’s continued protection, Earth entered a long era of peace and prosperity unknown in prior generations. Alien threats were discouraged by his might and goodwill, while he assisted humanity’s expansion into space with his boundless energy and lifespan. Under his Guardianship, Earth developed advanced sciences and multicultural exchange with other worlds. Poverty and violence decreased dramatically. Future generations would come to revere Mark as ancient mythic figures, forgetting he had walked among their ancestors in plain sight.

A Beacon for the Cosmos

Beyond Sol’s borders, Invincible’s influence spread hope across the galaxy. Through diplomacy and displayed mercy to even his most dangerous rivals, he convinced species after species to lay down arms and commit to coexistence. Under Mark’s guidance, the United Nations of Planets was formed to foster mutual understanding. Former enemies found common ground through open communication. Over the centuries, even Mark’s body faded from living memory. But his vision of empathy, nonviolence and unity endured to benefit countless civilizations.

An Enduring Symbol

Though now just a legend, the ideals of Invincible continued inspiring peacemakers for millennia to come. When all living things that once knew him had passed away, his story lived on in history texts as proof that one individual, through compassion and moral fortitude, could change the fate of the entire cosmos. In the far future, after the last stars had flickered out to darkness, the dream of Invincible would still give hope. For wherever sentient beings emerged again, whether on this plane of existence or another, his was a lesson to lift each other to greater understanding through love instead of force. That was Mark Grayson’s immortal gift to the universe. The Story of Mark Grayson, the Invincible

