Working in Corporate Engineering at Google

2 minute read

The Perception of Working on Internal Tools

Working on internal tools and systems within Google’s Corporate Engineering (CorpEng) used to have a reputation of being less exciting or rewarding compared to working on external, customer-facing products. However, this perception has changed significantly over the years as CorpEng takes on increasingly complex problems and builds industry-leading systems used throughout the company. While the scale and impact may be different from consumer products, interesting technical challenges still arise from tackling business problems and improving how large organizations function internally.

Various Challenges and Projects within CorpEng

One example project is Google’s applicant tracking system (ATS) used for recruitment and hiring. This internally-built system outperforms any commercially available ATS and would likely lead the market if ever released externally. It handles all applicant data and automation for Google’s massive hiring volume. Other projects include systems for things like managing recruiters, tracking interviews, or enabling all Google employees to perform certain business functions. While not at the scale of consumer services, complexity comes from optimizing complicated business workflows and processes. Leaders within CorpEng also get promotion opportunities by successfully guiding significant projects like overhauling the hiring system.

Opportunities for Transfer and Career Growth

Working in CorpEng does not limit growth opportunities within Google. Employees frequently transfer between corporate and consumer-facing teams, bringing and gaining diverse experiences. Managers are also supportive of employees wanting to broaden their skills on different types of projects. Google aims to satisfy both business and individual goals through flexible career planning. So whether starting in CorpEng or elsewhere, ambition and performance determine career trajectories more than project areas alone. The work itself within corporate teams also brings steady technical challenges and satisfaction from directly enabling colleagues across the company.

Collaboration and Mobility Between Teams

Google has changed dramatically since earlier perceptions of CorpEng formed. Teams now seamlessly share infrastructure like other product groups. Transfers between functions are also common, with managers assisting suitable employees to new roles matching interests and capabilities. This open culture helps retain top talent across divisions. While scope and target users differ, technical rigor and impact are valued equally department-wide. Most importantly, colleagues within and beyond CorpEng get to continually learn from each other on their unified mission of organizing the world’s information.

A Rewarding Experience Overall

In summary, CorpEng at Google offers professionally and personally fulfilling work. Complex but important initiatives around business transformation get tackled. Skills develop rapidly through ambitious projects of strategic importance to the company. Career progression stays highly achievable too, with systemic support for exploring new challenges. More than ever before, projects touch all areas of the business equally as technology permeates operations. Most who join CorpEng find themselves growing both technical and leadership abilities over time through these collaborations. For driven engineers, it remains one of the most exciting places to innovate at massive scale from within a flagship organization. Working in Corporate Engineering at Google

