The Escape From The Unstoppable Video Game Protagonists

3 minute read

In the year 2023, millions found themselves transported into their favorite video games overnight with no explanation. Among them was Joel, a regular gamer who just wanted to relax after a long day. But now he finds himself hunted in the post-apocalyptic world of The Last of Us by none other than the protagonist, Ellie. Seeing no other choice, Joel must outsmart and outrun the unstoppable forces chasing him if he wants any chance at surviving this nightmare.

Putting Distance Between Them

Joel knew he had to act fast. The ruthless efficiency of the post-apocalyptic survivor Ellie wouldn’t waste time looking for him. Stealing the first car he came across, Joel hurried to leave the city behind. But he knew it wouldn’t be enough. Ellie had tracked far more dangerous prey across harsher terrain. He had to disappear without a trace.

Finding Shelter in an Unlikely Place

After days on the road with no sign of pursuit, Joel began to relax. But he couldn’t let his guard down yet. Remembering Ellie’s stealth and tracking skills, he knew the best place to hide was somewhere she’d never think to look. On a whim, he drove to a remote farm, hoping the residents there would offer shelter and protection from the hunter on his trail. To his surprise, they welcomed him with open arms.

The Deceptively Dangerous Farmer

At first, the humble farmer seemed harmless enough. But Joel soon learned this couldn’t be further from the truth. Between his impossible stamina, combat prowess, and ability to befriend any person or creature, the farmer was the deadliest force Joel had yet encountered. Now trapped on the farm under the farmer’s watch, Joel realized he’d only multiplied his problems by seeking refuge here. He had to find a way to escape this predator as well.

Outwitting Manipulation and Mind Control

Day after day, Joel watched in amazement and fear as the farmer continued winning over the entire town without effort. His magical charms knew no bounds. Joel started to believe escape was impossible under this master of persuasion and social engineering. But then, remembering Ellie’s single-minded focus, Joel realized he could use the farmer’s own manipulative traits against him. It was a risky gambit, but it may have been Joel’s only chance at freedom.

When Hunters Become The Hunted

With the element of surprise and knowledge of both his pursuers’ abilities, Joel managed to turn the tables. Luring Ellie and the farmer into a trap, he incapacitated them using their own strengths against them. At last, Joel had gained the upper hand. But could he bring himself to finish them off, or would sparing their lives only delay the inevitable? After everything they’d put him through, there was no telling what these video game protagonists might do next if given the chance.

The Final Showdown

In the end, there was no evading a direct confrontation. Joel faced off against Ellie and the farmer in a climactic battle that put all of his improvisation and ingenious tactics to the test. Outnumbered and outpowered, he could only stay alive through pure cunning and luck. As the fight raged on, it seemed only one side would walk away. But when the dust settled, would victory against these inhuman foes be enough to finally allow Joel to return home?

Back To The Real World

Battered and exhausted, Joel wakes to find himself miraculously back in his apartment, surrounded by concerned friends and family. It seems the nightmare is over. But deep inside, Joel can’t help but wonder - was it truly just a strange dream brought on by late night gaming? And even if this world is real, how can he ever feel truly safe again knowing what relentless forces still pursue him, even if only in his memories? The trauma of his ordeal may stay with Joel forever. The Escape From The Unstoppable Video Game Protagonists