My Wonderful Pit Bull Companion

5 minute read

Coastal Comfort The hot summer sun was beaming down that day as I walked along the shoreline. As I kicked the sand, I noticed something in the distance. Moving closer, I realized it was a tiny puppy curled up underneath the lifeguard stand. As I approached, I saw he was covered in sand and shaking. When he looked up at me with his big brown eyes, I melted. This was no ordinary pup - he was a pit bull mix. Knowing they have such a bad reputation, I knew I had to help him. I scooped him up in my arms and he immediately stopped trembling. It was love at first sight.

A New Friend

Back at home, after giving him a bath to wash off all the sand, I could clearly see he was a pit bull and Great Dane mix. He was only about 8 weeks old and so tiny. I decided to name him Brutus and he quickly became my little shadow, following me everywhere. Though scared at first, he quickly warmed up to my home and family. Within a week, it was like he had always been with us. His playful personality and sweet nature won us all over. I knew keeping him was the best decision.

Growing Into His Paws

Over the next few months, Brutus grew exponentially. From that tiny pup curled up on the beach, he transformed into an almost fully grown dog. His massive paws showed he was going to be quite large. While his size intimidated some people at first, his friendly face and wagging tail told a different story. No matter how big he got, Brutus remained the gentle giant I found on the beach that day. His love of fetch in the backyard and cuddling on the couch proved pit bulls can be wonderful family dogs.

A New Friend for Life

Now, three years later, Brutus is my largest yet most loyal companion. We do everything together from long beach walks to car rides around town. He has even come to work with me occasionally to meet clients and instantly wins them over with his big puppy dog eyes and sloppy kisses. Brutus is living proof that looks can be deceiving when it comes to pit bulls. Underneath all that muscle is the heart of an overgrown lapdog. I will forever be grateful for finding Brutus that hot summer day and giving him, and myself, the best gift - an unconditional friend for life. Our bond will last forever and he will always have a home with me.

A Friend to All

Whether at the local dog park playing with the neighborhood pups or accompanying me on casual strolls through town, Brutus greets every person and dog with pure enthusiasm and joy. His thunderous barks and rump wiggles show just how excited he is to make new friends. No matter their size, Brutus approaches each canine companion with care, letting them set the pace of their play date. His gentleness is astounding for such a big dog. With people, Brutus is all licks and nudges, eager to receive affection from every person he meets. Young children especially seem drawn to his calm yet fun demeanor. Through his friendly interactions, Brutus helps change misguided views about pit bulls one tail wag at a time.

A Heart of Gold

Brutus’ fondness for all living creatures truly knows no bounds. From tiny kittens to baby bunnies to fluffy chickens, he approaches each animal encounter with the utmost care. His instincts seem solely focused on nurturing and protecting rather than hunting. On our farm property, Brutus acts as a patron of sorts, observing the ins and outs of each day but never interfering unless help is needed. Just recently, one of our new kittens got stuck high up in a tree. Brutus stayed calm and let me place the frightened feline on his wide back to transport it safely back down. And with baby chicks, his massive head hovers low, puffs of breath protecting the peeping peeps from any harm. Brutus’ naturally gentle soul knows only love, not danger.

A Hero Among Us

As much as Brutus adores playtime and lounging lazily in sunny spots, his most heroic moments come when others need help. Last winter, during a fierce nighttime snowstorm, our neighbor awoke to find her small terrier stranded in the drifts, unable to make it back inside. Brutus led me straight to the shivering canine, then worked diligently side-by-side, snout-to-snout, pawing deep tunnels for the dog to safely follow him home. And this past spring, while on our regular stroll, Brutus stunned me by suddenly bounding across a busy road. In the ditch, curled in a ball under an old tire, was a tiny abandoned calf - wet, cold, and distressed. With patience and care, Brutus convinced the calf to walk with him to a nearby farm for help. His clever rescue instincts and way with animals never ceases to amaze me. Regardless the season or circumstance, Brutus is always on alert, ready to save the day. Truly, he is the town’s guardian superdog.

Always and Forever

Now five years together, Brutus and I enjoy a bond stronger than most. As his greying muzzle and slowing gait show he is entering his senior years, I find myself even more grateful for each day we share. Looks can be deceiving they say—and they certainly were when I first spotted that terrified pup covered in sand so long ago. Little did I know the massive amount of love, loyalty, laughter and life lessons a single pit bull rescue could bring. Brutus has redefined what it means to be man’s best friend through his unwavering optimism, courage and compassion. He has given meperspective, purpose and unconditional acceptance during both joyous times and personal struggles. Now, as the sun sets on Brutus’ time with me here on earth, I take comfort knowing the paw prints he has left on my heart will last an eternity. My wonderful boy - I love you always and forever, just as you loved me from the very start. My Wonderful Pit Bull Companion